Started by timer
Running as SYSTEM
Building on master in workspace /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Krel_reconfigure-jobs
No credentials specified
 > git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree # timeout=10
Fetching changes from the remote Git repository
 > git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10
Using shallow fetch with depth 1
Fetching upstream changes from
 > git --version # timeout=10
 > git fetch --tags --progress --depth=1 +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* # timeout=10
 > git rev-parse origin/lcas_new^{commit} # timeout=10
Checking out Revision 47f655b6b714c33ff953e6c223ea98f784c74000 (origin/lcas_new)
 > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10
 > git checkout -f 47f655b6b714c33ff953e6c223ea98f784c74000 # timeout=10
Commit message: "fixing versions"
 > git rev-list --no-walk 47f655b6b714c33ff953e6c223ea98f784c74000 # timeout=10
[Krel_reconfigure-jobs] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/
+ echo # BEGIN SECTION: docker version
# BEGIN SECTION: docker version
+ docker version
Client: Docker Engine - Community
 Version:           20.10.7
 API version:       1.41
 Go version:        go1.13.15
 Git commit:        f0df350
 Built:             Wed Jun  2 11:56:47 2021
 OS/Arch:           linux/amd64
 Context:           default
 Experimental:      true

Server: Docker Engine - Community
  Version:          20.10.7
  API version:      1.41 (minimum version 1.12)
  Go version:       go1.13.15
  Git commit:       b0f5bc3
  Built:            Wed Jun  2 11:54:58 2021
  OS/Arch:          linux/amd64
  Experimental:     false
  Version:          1.4.6
  GitCommit:        d71fcd7d8303cbf684402823e425e9dd2e99285d
  Version:          1.0.0-rc95
  GitCommit:        b9ee9c6314599f1b4a7f497e1f1f856fe433d3b7
  Version:          0.19.0
  GitCommit:        de40ad0
+ echo # END SECTION
+ echo # BEGIN SECTION: docker info
# BEGIN SECTION: docker info
+ docker info
 Context:    default
 Debug Mode: false
  app: Docker App (Docker Inc., v0.9.1-beta3)
  buildx: Build with BuildKit (Docker Inc., v0.5.1-docker)
  scan: Docker Scan (Docker Inc., v0.8.0)

 Containers: 0
  Running: 0
  Paused: 0
  Stopped: 0
 Images: 67
 Server Version: 20.10.7
 Storage Driver: overlay2
  Backing Filesystem: extfs
  Supports d_type: true
  Native Overlay Diff: true
  userxattr: false
 Logging Driver: json-file
 Cgroup Driver: cgroupfs
 Cgroup Version: 1
  Volume: local
  Network: bridge host ipvlan macvlan null overlay
  Log: awslogs fluentd gcplogs gelf journald json-file local logentries splunk syslog
 Swarm: inactive
 Runtimes: runc io.containerd.runc.v2 io.containerd.runtime.v1.linux
 Default Runtime: runc
 Init Binary: docker-init
 containerd version: d71fcd7d8303cbf684402823e425e9dd2e99285d
 runc version: b9ee9c6314599f1b4a7f497e1f1f856fe433d3b7
 init version: de40ad0
 Security Options:
   Profile: default
 Kernel Version: 4.4.0-210-generic
 Operating System: Ubuntu 16.04.7 LTS
 OSType: linux
 Architecture: x86_64
 CPUs: 2
 Total Memory: 3.859GiB
 Name: lcas-build-farm-master
 Docker Root Dir: /var/lib/docker
 Debug Mode: false
 Username: strands
 Experimental: false
 Insecure Registries:
 Live Restore Enabled: false

WARNING: No swap limit support
+ echo # END SECTION
[Krel_reconfigure-jobs] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/
+ echo # BEGIN SECTION: Write PGP repository keys
# BEGIN SECTION: Write PGP repository keys
+ mkdir -p /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Krel_reconfigure-jobs/keys
+ rm -fr /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Krel_reconfigure-jobs/keys/0.key /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Krel_reconfigure-jobs/keys/1.key
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)


Version: GnuPG v1


+ echo # END SECTION
[Krel_reconfigure-jobs] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/
+ rm -fr /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Krel_reconfigure-jobs/docker_generate_release_jobs
+ rm -fr /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Krel_reconfigure-jobs/reconfigure_jobs
+ mkdir -p /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Krel_reconfigure-jobs/docker_generate_release_jobs
+ mkdir -p /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Krel_reconfigure-jobs/reconfigure_jobs
+ sleep 1
+ python3 -u /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Krel_reconfigure-jobs/ros_buildfarm/scripts/ 32700 --cid-file /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Krel_reconfigure-jobs/docker_generate_release_jobs/docker.cid
+ echo # BEGIN SECTION: Generate Dockerfile - reconfigure jobs
# BEGIN SECTION: Generate Dockerfile - reconfigure jobs
+ export PYTHONPATH=/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Krel_reconfigure-jobs/ros_buildfarm:
+ [ false = true ]
+ [  !=  ]
+ python3 -u /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Krel_reconfigure-jobs/ros_buildfarm/scripts/release/ kinetic default --distribution-repository-urls --distribution-repository-key-files /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Krel_reconfigure-jobs/keys/0.key /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Krel_reconfigure-jobs/keys/1.key --groovy-script /tmp/reconfigure_jobs/reconfigure_jobs.groovy --dockerfile-dir /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Krel_reconfigure-jobs/docker_generate_release_jobs
Using the following distribution repositories: (/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Krel_reconfigure-jobs/keys/0.key) (/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Krel_reconfigure-jobs/keys/1.key)
Generating Dockerfile '/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Krel_reconfigure-jobs/docker_generate_release_jobs/Dockerfile':
  # generated from release/release_create_reconfigure_task.Dockerfile.em
  FROM ubuntu:xenial
  VOLUME ["/var/cache/apt/archives"]
  ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive
  RUN for i in 1 2 3; do apt-get update && apt-get install -q -y locales && apt-get clean && break || if [[ $i < 3 ]]; then sleep 5; else false; fi; done
  RUN echo "en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8" >> /etc/locale.gen
  RUN locale-gen en_US.UTF-8
  RUN useradd -u 108 -m buildfarm
  RUN mkdir /tmp/keys
  RUN echo "-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----\nVersion: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)\n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\nChb0eEZA5ePvnGofu+3JH48FmCIPveD+4kI9GhtGkCL3Q2PiPiLcSnWQWQ==\n=nFcN\n-----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- \n" > /tmp/keys/0.key && apt-key add /tmp/keys/0.key
  RUN echo "-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----\nVersion: GnuPG v1\n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\nDZinMx1rT85fgs/npJMS94NGs74KdXpYT4XkVogrBvvY8visuLg=\n=p9Xy\n-----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----\n" > /tmp/keys/1.key && apt-key add /tmp/keys/1.key
  RUN echo deb xenial main | tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/buildfarm.list
  RUN echo deb xenial main | tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/buildfarm.list
  RUN mkdir /tmp/wrapper_scripts
  RUN echo "#!/usr/bin/env python3\n\n# Copyright 2014-2016 Open Source Robotics Foundation, Inc.\n#\n# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n# You may obtain a copy of the License at\n#\n#\n#\n# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n# distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n# limitations under the License.\n\nimport subprocess\nimport sys\nfrom time import sleep\n\n\ndef main(argv=sys.argv[1:]):\n    max_tries = 10\n    known_error_strings = [\n        'Failed to fetch',\n        'Failed to stat',\n        'Hash Sum mismatch',\n        'Unable to locate package',\n        'is not what the server reported',\n    ]\n\n    command = argv[0]\n    if command in ['update', 'source']:\n        rc, _, _ = call_apt_repeatedly(\n            argv, known_error_strings, max_tries)\n        return rc\n    elif command == 'update-install-clean':\n        return call_apt_update_install_clean(\n            argv[1:], known_error_strings, max_tries)\n    else:\n        assert \"Command '%s' not implemented\" % command\n\n\ndef call_apt_update_install_clean(\n        install_argv, known_error_strings, max_tries):\n    tries = 0\n    command = 'update'\n    while tries < max_tries:\n        if command == 'update':\n            rc, _, tries = call_apt_repeatedly(\n                [command], known_error_strings, max_tries - tries,\n                offset=tries)\n            if rc != 0:\n                # abort if update was unsuccessful even after retries\n                break\n            # move on to the install command if update was successful\n            command = 'install'\n\n        if command == 'install':\n            # any call is considered a try\n            tries += 1\n            known_error_strings_redo_update = [\n                'Size mismatch',\n                'maybe run apt update',\n                'The following packages cannot be authenticated!',\n                'Unable to locate package',\n                'has no installation candidate',\n                'corrupted package archive',\n            ]\n            rc, known_error_conditions = \\\\\n                call_apt(\n                    [command] + install_argv,\n                    known_error_strings + known_error_strings_redo_update)\n            if not known_error_conditions:\n                if rc != 0:\n                    # abort if install was unsuccessful\n                    break\n                # move on to the clean command if install was successful\n                command = 'clean'\n                continue\n\n            # known errors are always interpreted as a non-zero rc\n            if rc == 0:\n                rc = 1\n            # check if update needs to be rerun\n            if (\n                set(known_error_conditions) &\n                set(known_error_strings_redo_update)\n            ):\n                command = 'update'\n                print(\"'apt install' failed and likely requires \" +\n                      \"'apt update' to run again\")\n                # retry with update command\n                continue\n\n            print('')\n            print('Invocation failed due to the following known error '\n                  'conditions: ' + ', '.join(known_error_conditions))\n            print('')\n            if tries < max_tries:\n                sleep_time = 5\n                print(\"Reinvoke 'apt install' after sleeping %s seconds\" %\n                      sleep_time)\n                sleep(sleep_time)\n                # retry install command\n\n        if command == 'clean':\n            rc, _ = call_apt([command], [])\n            break\n\n    return rc\n\n\ndef call_apt_repeatedly(argv, known_error_strings, max_tries, offset=0):\n    command = argv[0]\n    for i in range(1, max_tries + 1):\n        if i > 1:\n            sleep_time = 5 + 2 * (i + offset)\n            print(\"Reinvoke 'apt %s' (%d/%d) after sleeping %s seconds\" %\n                  (command, i + offset, max_tries + offset, sleep_time))\n            sleep(sleep_time)\n        rc, known_error_conditions = call_apt(argv, known_error_strings)\n        if not known_error_conditions:\n            # break the loop and return the reported rc\n            break\n        # known errors are always interpreted as a non-zero rc\n        if rc == 0:\n            rc = 1\n        print('')\n        print('Invocation failed due to the following known error conditions: '\n              ', '.join(known_error_conditions))\n        print('')\n        # retry in case of failure with known error condition\n    return rc, known_error_conditions, i + offset\n\n\ndef call_apt(argv, known_error_strings):\n    known_error_conditions = []\n\n    # some of the used options are not supported in older distros\n    # e.g. Ubuntu Wily, Debian Jessie\n    cmd = ['apt-get'] + argv\n    print(\"Invoking '%s'\" % ' '.join(cmd))\n    proc = subprocess.Popen(\n        cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)\n    lines = []\n    while True:\n        line = proc.stdout.readline()\n        if not line:\n            break\n        line = line.decode()\n        lines.append(line)\n        sys.stdout.write(line)\n        for known_error_string in known_error_strings:\n            if known_error_string in line:\n                if known_error_string not in known_error_conditions:\n                    known_error_conditions.append(known_error_string)\n    proc.wait()\n    rc = proc.returncode\n    if rc and not known_error_conditions:\n        print('Invocation failed without any known error condition, '\n              'printing all lines to debug known error detection:')\n        for index, line in enumerate(lines):\n            print(' ', index + 1, \"'%s'\" % line.rstrip('\\\\n\\\\r'))\n        print('None of the following known errors were detected:')\n        for index, known_error_string in enumerate(known_error_strings):\n            print(' ', index + 1, \"'%s'\" % known_error_string)\n    return rc, known_error_conditions\n\n\nif __name__ == '__main__':\n    sys.exit(main())" > /tmp/wrapper_scripts/
  RUN echo "#!/usr/bin/env python3\n\n# Copyright 2016 Open Source Robotics Foundation, Inc.\n#\n# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n# You may obtain a copy of the License at\n#\n#\n#\n# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n# distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n# limitations under the License.\n\nimport subprocess\nimport sys\nfrom time import sleep\n\n\ndef main(argv=sys.argv[1:]):\n    max_tries = 10\n    known_error_strings = [\n        'Connection timed out',\n    ]\n\n    command = argv[0]\n    if command == 'clone':\n        rc, _, _ = call_git_repeatedly(\n            argv, known_error_strings, max_tries)\n        return rc\n    else:\n        assert \"Command '%s' not implemented\" % command\n\n\ndef call_git_repeatedly(argv, known_error_strings, max_tries):\n    command = argv[0]\n    for i in range(1, max_tries + 1):\n        if i > 1:\n            sleep_time = 5 + 2 * i\n            print(\"Reinvoke 'git %s' (%d/%d) after sleeping %s seconds\" %\n                  (command, i, max_tries, sleep_time))\n            sleep(sleep_time)\n        rc, known_error_conditions = call_git(argv, known_error_strings)\n        if rc == 0 or not known_error_conditions:\n            break\n        print('')\n        print('Invocation failed due to the following known error conditions: '\n              ', '.join(known_error_conditions))\n        print('')\n        # retry in case of failure with known error condition\n    return rc, known_error_conditions, i\n\n\ndef call_git(argv, known_error_strings):\n    known_error_conditions = []\n\n    cmd = ['git'] + argv\n    print(\"Invoking '%s'\" % ' '.join(cmd))\n    proc = subprocess.Popen(\n        cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)\n    while True:\n        line = proc.stdout.readline()\n        if not line:\n            break\n        line = line.decode()\n        sys.stdout.write(line)\n        for known_error_string in known_error_strings:\n            if known_error_string in line:\n                if known_error_string not in known_error_conditions:\n                    known_error_conditions.append(known_error_string)\n    proc.wait()\n    rc = proc.returncode\n    return rc, known_error_conditions\n\n\nif __name__ == '__main__':\n    sys.exit(main())" > /tmp/wrapper_scripts/
  # automatic invalidation once every day
  RUN echo "2025-01-23 (+0000)"
  RUN for i in 1 2 3; do apt-get update && apt-get install -q -y python3 && apt-get clean && break || if [[ $i < 3 ]]; then sleep 5; else false; fi; done
  RUN python3 -u /tmp/wrapper_scripts/ update-install-clean -q -y git python3-catkin-pkg-modules python3-empy python3-pip python3-rosdistro-modules python3-yaml
  RUN pip3 install certifi==2021.10.8 charset-normalizer==2.0.12 idna==3.3 jenkinsapi==0.3.11 pytz==2022.1 requests==2.27.1 urllib3==1.26.9
  USER buildfarm
  ENTRYPOINT ["sh", "-c"]
  CMD ["PYTHONPATH=/tmp/ros_buildfarm:$PYTHONPATH python3 -u /tmp/ros_buildfarm/scripts/release/ kinetic default --groovy-script /tmp/reconfigure_jobs/reconfigure_jobs.groovy"]
+ echo # END SECTION
+ echo # BEGIN SECTION: Build Dockerfile - reconfigure jobs
# BEGIN SECTION: Build Dockerfile - reconfigure jobs
+ cd /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Krel_reconfigure-jobs/docker_generate_release_jobs
+ python3 -u /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Krel_reconfigure-jobs/ros_buildfarm/scripts/misc/
Get base image name from Dockerfile 'Dockerfile': ubuntu:xenial
Check docker base image for updates: docker pull ubuntu:xenial
xenial: Pulling from library/ubuntu
Digest: sha256:1f1a2d56de1d604801a9671f301190704c25d604a416f59e03c04f5c6ffee0d6
Status: Image is up to date for ubuntu:xenial
+ docker build --force-rm -t release_reconfigure_jobs .
Sending build context to Docker daemon  17.92kB

Step 1/24 : FROM ubuntu:xenial
 ---> b6f507652425
Step 2/24 : VOLUME ["/var/cache/apt/archives"]
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 79f2f312036b
Step 3/24 : ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive
 ---> Using cache
 ---> bb57cb1c9114
Step 4/24 : RUN for i in 1 2 3; do apt-get update && apt-get install -q -y locales && apt-get clean && break || if [[ $i < 3 ]]; then sleep 5; else false; fi; done
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 6288bc507bdf
Step 5/24 : RUN echo "en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8" >> /etc/locale.gen
 ---> Using cache
 ---> c2fff2592b67
Step 6/24 : RUN locale-gen en_US.UTF-8
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 77d5ec5d07bc
Step 7/24 : ENV LANG en_US.UTF-8
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 5ccf96a2aaa5
Step 8/24 : ENV TZ GMT+00
 ---> Using cache
 ---> c47d41325e65
Step 9/24 : RUN useradd -u 108 -m buildfarm
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 3491107d45b8
Step 10/24 : RUN mkdir /tmp/keys
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 9fd976296f71
Step 11/24 : RUN echo "-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----\nVersion: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)\n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\nChb0eEZA5ePvnGofu+3JH48FmCIPveD+4kI9GhtGkCL3Q2PiPiLcSnWQWQ==\n=nFcN\n-----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- \n" > /tmp/keys/0.key && apt-key add /tmp/keys/0.key
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 3deb264eb516
Step 12/24 : RUN echo "-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----\nVersion: GnuPG v1\n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\nDZinMx1rT85fgs/npJMS94NGs74KdXpYT4XkVogrBvvY8visuLg=\n=p9Xy\n-----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----\n" > /tmp/keys/1.key && apt-key add /tmp/keys/1.key
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 19bd11e7330e
Step 13/24 : RUN echo deb xenial main | tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/buildfarm.list
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 5b6b1d137ef9
Step 14/24 : RUN echo deb xenial main | tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/buildfarm.list
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 37870493ca0a
Step 15/24 : RUN mkdir /tmp/wrapper_scripts
 ---> Using cache
 ---> d33eabe86ce0
Step 16/24 : RUN echo "#!/usr/bin/env python3\n\n# Copyright 2014-2016 Open Source Robotics Foundation, Inc.\n#\n# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n# You may obtain a copy of the License at\n#\n#\n#\n# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n# distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n# limitations under the License.\n\nimport subprocess\nimport sys\nfrom time import sleep\n\n\ndef main(argv=sys.argv[1:]):\n    max_tries = 10\n    known_error_strings = [\n        'Failed to fetch',\n        'Failed to stat',\n        'Hash Sum mismatch',\n        'Unable to locate package',\n        'is not what the server reported',\n    ]\n\n    command = argv[0]\n    if command in ['update', 'source']:\n        rc, _, _ = call_apt_repeatedly(\n            argv, known_error_strings, max_tries)\n        return rc\n    elif command == 'update-install-clean':\n        return call_apt_update_install_clean(\n            argv[1:], known_error_strings, max_tries)\n    else:\n        assert \"Command '%s' not implemented\" % command\n\n\ndef call_apt_update_install_clean(\n        install_argv, known_error_strings, max_tries):\n    tries = 0\n    command = 'update'\n    while tries < max_tries:\n        if command == 'update':\n            rc, _, tries = call_apt_repeatedly(\n                [command], known_error_strings, max_tries - tries,\n                offset=tries)\n            if rc != 0:\n                # abort if update was unsuccessful even after retries\n                break\n            # move on to the install command if update was successful\n            command = 'install'\n\n        if command == 'install':\n            # any call is considered a try\n            tries += 1\n            known_error_strings_redo_update = [\n                'Size mismatch',\n                'maybe run apt update',\n                'The following packages cannot be authenticated!',\n                'Unable to locate package',\n                'has no installation candidate',\n                'corrupted package archive',\n            ]\n            rc, known_error_conditions = \\\\\n                call_apt(\n                    [command] + install_argv,\n                    known_error_strings + known_error_strings_redo_update)\n            if not known_error_conditions:\n                if rc != 0:\n                    # abort if install was unsuccessful\n                    break\n                # move on to the clean command if install was successful\n                command = 'clean'\n                continue\n\n            # known errors are always interpreted as a non-zero rc\n            if rc == 0:\n                rc = 1\n            # check if update needs to be rerun\n            if (\n                set(known_error_conditions) &\n                set(known_error_strings_redo_update)\n            ):\n                command = 'update'\n                print(\"'apt install' failed and likely requires \" +\n                      \"'apt update' to run again\")\n                # retry with update command\n                continue\n\n            print('')\n            print('Invocation failed due to the following known error '\n                  'conditions: ' + ', '.join(known_error_conditions))\n            print('')\n            if tries < max_tries:\n                sleep_time = 5\n                print(\"Reinvoke 'apt install' after sleeping %s seconds\" %\n                      sleep_time)\n                sleep(sleep_time)\n                # retry install command\n\n        if command == 'clean':\n            rc, _ = call_apt([command], [])\n            break\n\n    return rc\n\n\ndef call_apt_repeatedly(argv, known_error_strings, max_tries, offset=0):\n    command = argv[0]\n    for i in range(1, max_tries + 1):\n        if i > 1:\n            sleep_time = 5 + 2 * (i + offset)\n            print(\"Reinvoke 'apt %s' (%d/%d) after sleeping %s seconds\" %\n                  (command, i + offset, max_tries + offset, sleep_time))\n            sleep(sleep_time)\n        rc, known_error_conditions = call_apt(argv, known_error_strings)\n        if not known_error_conditions:\n            # break the loop and return the reported rc\n            break\n        # known errors are always interpreted as a non-zero rc\n        if rc == 0:\n            rc = 1\n        print('')\n        print('Invocation failed due to the following known error conditions: '\n              ', '.join(known_error_conditions))\n        print('')\n        # retry in case of failure with known error condition\n    return rc, known_error_conditions, i + offset\n\n\ndef call_apt(argv, known_error_strings):\n    known_error_conditions = []\n\n    # some of the used options are not supported in older distros\n    # e.g. Ubuntu Wily, Debian Jessie\n    cmd = ['apt-get'] + argv\n    print(\"Invoking '%s'\" % ' '.join(cmd))\n    proc = subprocess.Popen(\n        cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)\n    lines = []\n    while True:\n        line = proc.stdout.readline()\n        if not line:\n            break\n        line = line.decode()\n        lines.append(line)\n        sys.stdout.write(line)\n        for known_error_string in known_error_strings:\n            if known_error_string in line:\n                if known_error_string not in known_error_conditions:\n                    known_error_conditions.append(known_error_string)\n    proc.wait()\n    rc = proc.returncode\n    if rc and not known_error_conditions:\n        print('Invocation failed without any known error condition, '\n              'printing all lines to debug known error detection:')\n        for index, line in enumerate(lines):\n            print(' ', index + 1, \"'%s'\" % line.rstrip('\\\\n\\\\r'))\n        print('None of the following known errors were detected:')\n        for index, known_error_string in enumerate(known_error_strings):\n            print(' ', index + 1, \"'%s'\" % known_error_string)\n    return rc, known_error_conditions\n\n\nif __name__ == '__main__':\n    sys.exit(main())" > /tmp/wrapper_scripts/
 ---> Using cache
 ---> dfc37978bef0
Step 17/24 : RUN echo "#!/usr/bin/env python3\n\n# Copyright 2016 Open Source Robotics Foundation, Inc.\n#\n# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n# You may obtain a copy of the License at\n#\n#\n#\n# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n# distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n# limitations under the License.\n\nimport subprocess\nimport sys\nfrom time import sleep\n\n\ndef main(argv=sys.argv[1:]):\n    max_tries = 10\n    known_error_strings = [\n        'Connection timed out',\n    ]\n\n    command = argv[0]\n    if command == 'clone':\n        rc, _, _ = call_git_repeatedly(\n            argv, known_error_strings, max_tries)\n        return rc\n    else:\n        assert \"Command '%s' not implemented\" % command\n\n\ndef call_git_repeatedly(argv, known_error_strings, max_tries):\n    command = argv[0]\n    for i in range(1, max_tries + 1):\n        if i > 1:\n            sleep_time = 5 + 2 * i\n            print(\"Reinvoke 'git %s' (%d/%d) after sleeping %s seconds\" %\n                  (command, i, max_tries, sleep_time))\n            sleep(sleep_time)\n        rc, known_error_conditions = call_git(argv, known_error_strings)\n        if rc == 0 or not known_error_conditions:\n            break\n        print('')\n        print('Invocation failed due to the following known error conditions: '\n              ', '.join(known_error_conditions))\n        print('')\n        # retry in case of failure with known error condition\n    return rc, known_error_conditions, i\n\n\ndef call_git(argv, known_error_strings):\n    known_error_conditions = []\n\n    cmd = ['git'] + argv\n    print(\"Invoking '%s'\" % ' '.join(cmd))\n    proc = subprocess.Popen(\n        cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)\n    while True:\n        line = proc.stdout.readline()\n        if not line:\n            break\n        line = line.decode()\n        sys.stdout.write(line)\n        for known_error_string in known_error_strings:\n            if known_error_string in line:\n                if known_error_string not in known_error_conditions:\n                    known_error_conditions.append(known_error_string)\n    proc.wait()\n    rc = proc.returncode\n    return rc, known_error_conditions\n\n\nif __name__ == '__main__':\n    sys.exit(main())" > /tmp/wrapper_scripts/
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 2237ff7cd961
Step 18/24 : RUN echo "2025-01-23 (+0000)"
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 140196775da3
Step 19/24 : RUN for i in 1 2 3; do apt-get update && apt-get install -q -y python3 && apt-get clean && break || if [[ $i < 3 ]]; then sleep 5; else false; fi; done
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 0e849b145109
Step 20/24 : RUN python3 -u /tmp/wrapper_scripts/ update-install-clean -q -y git python3-catkin-pkg-modules python3-empy python3-pip python3-rosdistro-modules python3-yaml
 ---> Using cache
 ---> a21072ec338a
Step 21/24 : RUN pip3 install certifi==2021.10.8 charset-normalizer==2.0.12 idna==3.3 jenkinsapi==0.3.11 pytz==2022.1 requests==2.27.1 urllib3==1.26.9
 ---> Using cache
 ---> a43bb385efd1
Step 22/24 : USER buildfarm
 ---> Using cache
 ---> e8750871dab5
Step 23/24 : ENTRYPOINT ["sh", "-c"]
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 2de43ecb58ce
Step 24/24 : CMD ["PYTHONPATH=/tmp/ros_buildfarm:$PYTHONPATH python3 -u /tmp/ros_buildfarm/scripts/release/ kinetic default --groovy-script /tmp/reconfigure_jobs/reconfigure_jobs.groovy"]
 ---> Running in 114fb90accb6
Removing intermediate container 114fb90accb6
 ---> 91e61a28eede
Successfully built 91e61a28eede
Successfully tagged release_reconfigure_jobs:latest
+ echo # END SECTION
+ echo # BEGIN SECTION: Run Dockerfile - reconfigure jobs
# BEGIN SECTION: Run Dockerfile - reconfigure jobs
+ docker run --rm --cidfile=/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Krel_reconfigure-jobs/docker_generate_release_jobs/docker.cid -e=GIT_BRANCH=origin/lcas_new --net=host -v /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Krel_reconfigure-jobs/ros_buildfarm:/tmp/ros_buildfarm:ro -v /var/lib/jenkins/.buildfarm:/home/buildfarm/.buildfarm:ro -v /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Krel_reconfigure-jobs/reconfigure_jobs:/tmp/reconfigure_jobs release_reconfigure_jobs
The build file contains the following targets:
  - ubuntu xenial: amd64
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__genjava__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__genjava__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__acado__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__acado__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__backoff_behaviour__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__backoff_behaviour__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__bayes_tracking__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__bayes_tracking__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__catkin_simple__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__catkin_simple__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__catkin_test_pkg__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__catkin_test_pkg__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__cititruck_gazebo__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__cititruck_gazebo__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__cititruck_teleop__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__cititruck_teleop__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__cliffmap_ros__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__cliffmap_ros__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__cliffmap_rviz_plugin__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__cliffmap_rviz_plugin__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__contact_monitor__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__contact_monitor__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__ddynamic_reconfigure__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__ddynamic_reconfigure__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__detector_msg_to_pose_array__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__detector_msg_to_pose_array__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__dwa_local_planner_constraint__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__dwa_local_planner_constraint__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__euro_pallet__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__euro_pallet__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__exploration_msgs__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__exploration_msgs__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__flir_pantilt_d46__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__flir_pantilt_d46__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__franka_description__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__franka_description__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__franka_gripper__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__franka_gripper__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__franka_hw__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__franka_hw__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__franka_msgs__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__franka_msgs__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__franka_control__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__franka_control__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__franka_example_controllers__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__franka_example_controllers__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__franka_visualization__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__franka_visualization__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__franka_ros__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__franka_ros__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__fremen2dgrid__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__fremen2dgrid__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__fremenarray__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__fremenarray__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__fremengrid__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__fremengrid__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__fremenserver__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__fremenserver__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__froctomap__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__froctomap__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__gazebo_models_oru__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__gazebo_models_oru__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__gazebo_worlds_oru__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__gazebo_worlds_oru__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__gmmtmap_ros__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__gmmtmap_ros__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__gmmtmap_rviz_plugin__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__gmmtmap_rviz_plugin__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__ground_plane_estimation__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__ground_plane_estimation__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__image_branding__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__image_branding__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__joy_map_saver__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__joy_map_saver__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__kinect2_description__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__kinect2_description__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__kinect2_registration__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__kinect2_registration__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__kinect_control__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__kinect_control__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__asus_description__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__asus_description__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__kinect_description__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__kinect_description__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__kmo_cpi_interface__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__kmo_cpi_interface__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__kmo_navserver__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__kmo_navserver__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__libfreenect2__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__libfreenect2__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__kinect2_bridge__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__kinect2_bridge__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__kinect2_calibration__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__kinect2_calibration__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__kinect2_viewer__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__kinect2_viewer__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__iai_kinect2__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__iai_kinect2__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__libmongocxx_ros__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__libmongocxx_ros__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__lidar_object_detection__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__lidar_object_detection__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__marvelmind_nav__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__marvelmind_nav__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__mongodb_store_msgs__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__mongodb_store_msgs__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__mongodb_store__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__mongodb_store__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__calibrate_chest__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__calibrate_chest__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__frongo__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__frongo__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__frongoweb__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__frongoweb__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__marathon_reporter__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__marathon_reporter__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__mongodb_log__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__mongodb_log__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__mongodb_media_server__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__mongodb_media_server__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__movebase_state_service__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__movebase_state_service__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__nav_goals_generator__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__nav_goals_generator__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__ndt_evaluation__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__ndt_evaluation__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__networkanalysis_msgs__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__networkanalysis_msgs__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__nifti_launchers__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__nifti_launchers__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__nifti_robot_description__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__nifti_robot_description__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__nifti_robot_driver_msgs__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__nifti_robot_driver_msgs__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__object3d_detector__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__object3d_detector__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__odometry_mileage__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__odometry_mileage__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__openni_wrapper__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__openni_wrapper__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__optris_drivers__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__optris_drivers__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__orunav_generic__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__orunav_generic__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__gazebo_plugins_oru__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__gazebo_plugins_oru__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__orunav_geometry__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__orunav_geometry__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__orunav_launch__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__orunav_launch__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__orunav_msgs__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__orunav_msgs__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__coordination_oru_msgs__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__coordination_oru_msgs__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__coordination_oru_ros__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__coordination_oru_ros__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__orunav_conversions__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__orunav_conversions__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__orunav_mpc__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__orunav_mpc__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__orunav_params__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__orunav_params__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__orunav_rosbag_tools__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__orunav_rosbag_tools__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__orunav_rviz__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__orunav_rviz__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__kmo_fork_control__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__kmo_fork_control__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__orunav_constraint_extract__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__orunav_constraint_extract__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__orunav_coordinator_fake__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__orunav_coordinator_fake__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__orunav_fork_control__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__orunav_fork_control__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__orunav_motion_planner__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__orunav_motion_planner__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__orunav_node_utils__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__orunav_node_utils__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__orunav_debug__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__orunav_debug__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__orunav_pallet_detection_sdf__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__orunav_pallet_detection_sdf__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__orunav_path_pool__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__orunav_path_pool__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__orunav_trajectory_processor__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__orunav_trajectory_processor__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__orunav_path_smoother__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__orunav_path_smoother__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__orunav_vehicle_execution__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__orunav_vehicle_execution__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__ouster_client__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__ouster_client__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__ouster_ros__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__ouster_ros__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__param_loader__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__param_loader__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__patrolling_build_graph_msgs__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__patrolling_build_graph_msgs__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__pcl_catkin_c11__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__pcl_catkin_c11__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__pcl_conversions_c11__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__pcl_conversions_c11__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__pcl_ros_c11__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__pcl_ros_c11__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__ms_octomap_server__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__ms_octomap_server__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__ms_octomap_mapping__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__ms_octomap_mapping__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__pedsim_scenarios__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__pedsim_scenarios__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__people_msgs__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__people_msgs__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__bayes_people_tracker__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__bayes_people_tracker__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__face_detector__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__face_detector__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__people_tracker_emulator__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__people_tracker_emulator__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__people_tracker_filter__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__people_tracker_filter__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__people_tracking_filter__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__people_tracking_filter__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__leg_detector__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__leg_detector__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__people__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__people__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__perception_pcl_c11__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__perception_pcl_c11__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__persistent_topics__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__persistent_topics__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__pose_extractor__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__pose_extractor__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__pose_initialiser__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__pose_initialiser__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__prism_strands__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__prism_strands__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__ptu_follow_frame__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__ptu_follow_frame__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__py_at_broker__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__py_at_broker__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__pygame_managed_player__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__pygame_managed_player__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__mary_tts__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__mary_tts__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__music_player__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__music_player__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__qsr_lib__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__qsr_lib__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__hrsi_representation__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__hrsi_representation__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__qsr_prob_rep__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__qsr_prob_rep__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__hrsi_state_prediction__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__hrsi_state_prediction__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__hrsi_velocity_costmaps__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__hrsi_velocity_costmaps__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__hrsi_launch__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__hrsi_launch__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__quadprogpp__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__quadprogpp__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__ramp_climb__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__ramp_climb__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__realsense2_camera__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__realsense2_camera__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__reconfigure_inflation__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__reconfigure_inflation__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__robot_blockly__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__robot_blockly__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__robot_talk__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__robot_talk__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__door_pass__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__door_pass__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__robot_trajectory_saver_msgs__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__robot_trajectory_saver_msgs__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__rosbridge_library__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__rosbridge_library__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__mqtt_bridge__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__mqtt_bridge__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__rosapi__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__rosapi__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__rosbridge_msgs__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__rosbridge_msgs__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__rosbridge_server__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__rosbridge_server__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__rosbridge_suite__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__rosbridge_suite__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__rosduct__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__rosduct__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__iliad_launch_system__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__iliad_launch_system__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__roslaunch_axserver__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__roslaunch_axserver__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__rwth_perception_people_msgs__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__rwth_perception_people_msgs__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__scipoptsuite__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__scipoptsuite__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__scitos_cmd_vel_mux__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__scitos_cmd_vel_mux__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__scitos_description__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__scitos_description__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__scitos_msgs__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__scitos_msgs__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__fake_camera_effects__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__fake_camera_effects__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__scitos_common__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__scitos_common__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__scitos_dashboard__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__scitos_dashboard__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__scitos_mira__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__scitos_mira__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__scitos_pc_monitor__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__scitos_pc_monitor__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__scitos_ptu__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__scitos_ptu__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__backtrack_behaviour__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__backtrack_behaviour__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__scitos_teleop__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__scitos_teleop__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__scitos_docking__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__scitos_docking__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__scitos_touch__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__scitos_touch__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__scitos_apps__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__scitos_apps__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__scitos_virtual_bumper__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__scitos_virtual_bumper__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__sentor__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__sentor__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__senz3d_description__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__senz3d_description__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__sick_s3x__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__sick_s3x__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__sicks300__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__sicks300__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__scitos_bringup__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__scitos_bringup__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__scitos_drivers__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__scitos_drivers__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__sim_clock__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__sim_clock__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__simple_description__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__simple_description__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__depth_sensors__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__depth_sensors__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__slackeros__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__slackeros__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__smach__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__smach__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__smach_msgs__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__smach_msgs__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__smach_ros__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__smach_ros__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__executive_smach__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__executive_smach__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__social_card_reader__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__social_card_reader__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__sound_player_server__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__sound_player_server__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__spencer_bagfile_tools__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__spencer_bagfile_tools__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__spencer_control_msgs__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__spencer_control_msgs__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__spencer_diagnostics__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__spencer_diagnostics__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__rwth_ground_plane__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__rwth_ground_plane__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__spencer_human_attribute_msgs__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__spencer_human_attribute_msgs__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__spencer_leg_detector_wrapper__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__spencer_leg_detector_wrapper__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__spencer_social_relation_msgs__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__spencer_social_relation_msgs__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__spencer_tracking_msgs__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__spencer_tracking_msgs__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__rwth_ground_hog__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__rwth_ground_hog__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__rwth_upper_body_detector__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__rwth_upper_body_detector__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__spencer_detected_person_association__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__spencer_detected_person_association__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__spencer_detected_person_conversion__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__spencer_detected_person_conversion__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__spencer_group_tracking__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__spencer_group_tracking__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__spencer_social_relations__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__spencer_social_relations__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__spencer_tracking_metrics__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__spencer_tracking_metrics__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__spencer_tracking_rviz_plugin__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__spencer_tracking_rviz_plugin__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__spencer_tracking_utils__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__spencer_tracking_utils__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__spencer_vision_msgs__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__spencer_vision_msgs__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__pcl_people_detector__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__pcl_people_detector__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__rgbd_gpu_person_detector__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__rgbd_gpu_person_detector__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__spencer_perception_mocks__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__spencer_perception_mocks__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__spqrel_navigation__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__spqrel_navigation__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__srl_laser_features__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__srl_laser_features__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__srl_laser_segmentation__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__srl_laser_segmentation__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__iliad_leg_tracker__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__iliad_leg_tracker__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__srl_laser_detectors__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__srl_laser_detectors__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__srl_nearest_neighbor_tracker__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__srl_nearest_neighbor_tracker__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__spencer_people_tracking_launch__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__spencer_people_tracking_launch__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__srl_tracking_exporter__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__srl_tracking_exporter__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__srl_tracking_logfile_import__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__srl_tracking_logfile_import__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__stamped_msgs__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__stamped_msgs__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__nifti_teleop__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__nifti_teleop__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__state_checker__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__state_checker__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__static_transform_manager__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__static_transform_manager__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__steering_functions__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__steering_functions__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__stefmap_ros__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__stefmap_ros__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__stefmap_rviz_plugin__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__stefmap_rviz_plugin__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__strands_description__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__strands_description__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__strands_emails__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__strands_emails__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__strands_executive_msgs__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__strands_executive_msgs__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__gcal_routine__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__gcal_routine__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__scheduler__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__scheduler__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__strands_gazing__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__strands_gazing__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__strands_human_aware_navigation__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__strands_human_aware_navigation__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__han_action_dispatcher__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__han_action_dispatcher__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__strands_hri_launch__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__strands_hri_launch__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__strands_interaction_behaviours__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__strands_interaction_behaviours__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__strands_navfn__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__strands_navfn__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__strands_movebase__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__strands_movebase__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__strands_navigation_msgs__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__strands_navigation_msgs__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__monitored_navigation__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__monitored_navigation__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__strands_human_following__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__strands_human_following__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__strands_monitored_nav_states__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__strands_monitored_nav_states__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__strands_qsr_lib__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__strands_qsr_lib__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__strands_simple_follow_me__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__strands_simple_follow_me__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__strands_tweets__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__strands_tweets__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__card_image_tweet__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__card_image_tweet__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__strands_social__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__strands_social__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__strands_visualise_speech__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__strands_visualise_speech__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__strands_hri__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__strands_hri__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__strands_webtools__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__strands_webtools__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__tf_bag__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__tf_bag__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__thin_navigation__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__thin_navigation__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__thorvald_2dnav__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__thorvald_2dnav__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__thorvald_can_devices__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__thorvald_can_devices__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__thorvald_msgs__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__thorvald_msgs__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__thorvald_teleop__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__thorvald_teleop__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__thorvald_twist_mux__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__thorvald_twist_mux__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__topic_republisher__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__topic_republisher__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__strands_apps__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__strands_apps__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__strands_morse__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__strands_morse__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__topological_logging_manager__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__topological_logging_manager__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__human_trajectory__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__human_trajectory__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__topological_navigation__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__topological_navigation__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__emergency_behaviours__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__emergency_behaviours__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__mdp_plan_exec__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__mdp_plan_exec__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__polytunnel_navigation_actions__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__polytunnel_navigation_actions__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__topological_roslaunch__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__topological_roslaunch__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__topological_rviz_tools__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__topological_rviz_tools__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__topological_utils__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__topological_utils__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__iliad_topological__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__iliad_topological__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__strands_navigation__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__strands_navigation__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__track_annotation_tool__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__track_annotation_tool__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__tradr_trajectory_control_msgs__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__tradr_trajectory_control_msgs__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__turtlebot_actions__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__turtlebot_actions__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__turtlebot_calibration__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__turtlebot_calibration__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__turtlebot_follower__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__turtlebot_follower__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__turtlebot_navigation__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__turtlebot_navigation__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__turtlebot_gazebo__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__turtlebot_gazebo__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__turtlebot_rapps__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__turtlebot_rapps__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__turtlebot_apps__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__turtlebot_apps__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__turtlebot_stage__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__turtlebot_stage__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__turtlebot_stdr__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__turtlebot_stdr__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__turtlebot_simulator__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__turtlebot_simulator__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__twitter_bootstrap__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__twitter_bootstrap__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__strands_webserver__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__strands_webserver__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__strands_human_help__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__strands_human_help__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__strands_ui__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__strands_ui__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__um7__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__um7__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__uol_rpi_tbot__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__uol_rpi_tbot__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__uol_turtlebot_common__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__uol_turtlebot_common__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__uol_turtlebot_simulator__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__uol_turtlebot_simulator__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__uol_cmp3103m__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__uol_cmp3103m__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__upper_body_detector__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__upper_body_detector__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__rwth_upper_body_skeleton_random_walk__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__rwth_upper_body_skeleton_random_walk__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__velodyne_description8__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__velodyne_description8__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__cititruck_description__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__cititruck_description__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__iliad_human_perception_launch__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__iliad_human_perception_launch__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__navigation_oru__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__navigation_oru__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__thorvald_description__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__thorvald_description__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__thorvald_base__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__thorvald_base__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__thorvald_bringup__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__thorvald_bringup__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__thorvald_example_robots__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__thorvald_example_robots__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__thorvald_gazebo_plugins__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__thorvald_gazebo_plugins__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__thorvald_gui__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__thorvald_gui__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__thorvald__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__thorvald__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__thorvald_simulator__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__thorvald_simulator__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__velodyne_gazebo_plugins8__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__velodyne_gazebo_plugins8__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__uol_cmp9767m_base__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__uol_cmp9767m_base__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__uol_cmp9767m_tutorial__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__uol_cmp9767m_tutorial__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__velodyne_pointcloud_oru__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__velodyne_pointcloud_oru__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__ndt_generic__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__ndt_generic__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__ndt_map__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__ndt_map__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__ndt_feature_finder__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__ndt_feature_finder__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__ndt_localization__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__ndt_localization__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__ndt_registration__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__ndt_registration__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__ndt_rviz__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__ndt_rviz__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__ndt_visualisation__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__ndt_visualisation__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__ndt_core__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__ndt_core__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__ndt_fuser__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__ndt_fuser__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__ndt_offline__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__ndt_offline__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__graph_map__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__graph_map__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__graph_localization__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__graph_localization__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__ndt_calibration__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__ndt_calibration__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__ndt_tools__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__ndt_tools__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__velodyne_simulator8__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__velodyne_simulator8__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__video_to_bagfile__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__video_to_bagfile__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__spencer_people_tracking_full__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__spencer_people_tracking_full__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__vision_people_logging__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__vision_people_logging__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__visual_odometry__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__visual_odometry__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__mdl_people_tracker__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__mdl_people_tracker__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__bayes_people_tracker_logging__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__bayes_people_tracker_logging__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__odometry_to_motion_matrix__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__odometry_to_motion_matrix__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__perception_people_launch__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__perception_people_launch__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__strands_perception_people__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__strands_perception_people__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__vmc_navserver__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__vmc_navserver__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__vrep_common__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__vrep_common__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__vrep_ugv_plugin__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__vrep_ugv_plugin__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__vrep_ugv_simulation__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__vrep_ugv_simulation__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__wait_action__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__wait_action__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__task_executor__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__task_executor__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__iliad_executive__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__iliad_executive__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__walking_group_recovery__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__walking_group_recovery__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__strands_recovery_behaviours__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__strands_recovery_behaviours__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__watchdog_node__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__watchdog_node__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__whycon_ros__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__whycon_ros__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__whytemap_ros__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__whytemap_ros__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__ompl_mod_objectives__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__ompl_mod_objectives__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__iliad_smp_global_planner__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__iliad_smp_global_planner__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__ompl_planners_ros__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__ompl_planners_ros__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__wireless_network_msgs__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__wireless_network_msgs__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__tradr_path_planner__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__tradr_path_planner__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__tradr_path_planner_rviz_wp_plugin__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__tradr_path_planner_rviz_wp_plugin__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
The git repository version 'lcas_new' is different than the Python package version '2.0.1'
You might want to update the Python package version to ensure that your forked version continues to work correctly when being used outside of a git working copy (e.g. after being installed or from a tarball)
Configuration for jobs: Ksrc_uX__tradr_trajectory_control__ubuntu_xenial__source, Kbin_uX64__tradr_trajectory_control__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary
Writing groovy script '/tmp/reconfigure_jobs/reconfigure_jobs.groovy' to reconfigure 2 views and 689 jobs
+ echo # END SECTION
# BEGIN SECTION: Groovy script - reconfigure
# BEGIN SUBSECTION: reconfigure 2 views
Updating view 'Kbin_uX64'
    --- current config
    +++ new config
    @@ -2,1 +2,1 @@
    -<hudson.plugins.view.dashboard.Dashboard plugin="dashboard-view@2.12">
    +<hudson.plugins.view.dashboard.Dashboard plugin="dashboard-view@2.9.11">
    @@ -19,1 +19,1 @@
    -    <jenkins.plugins.extracolumns.BuildDescriptionColumn plugin="extra-columns@1.21">
    +    <jenkins.plugins.extracolumns.BuildDescriptionColumn plugin="extra-columns@1.18">
    @@ -36,0 +36,1 @@
    +      <id>dashboard_portlet_5357</id>
    @@ -41,0 +42,1 @@
    +      <id>dashboard_portlet_14122</id>
Updating view 'Ksrc_uX'
    --- current config
    +++ new config
    @@ -2,1 +2,1 @@
    -<hudson.plugins.view.dashboard.Dashboard plugin="dashboard-view@2.12">
    +<hudson.plugins.view.dashboard.Dashboard plugin="dashboard-view@2.9.11">
    @@ -19,1 +19,1 @@
    -    <jenkins.plugins.extracolumns.BuildDescriptionColumn plugin="extra-columns@1.21">
    +    <jenkins.plugins.extracolumns.BuildDescriptionColumn plugin="extra-columns@1.18">
    @@ -36,0 +36,1 @@
    +      <id>dashboard_portlet_5357</id>
    @@ -41,0 +42,1 @@
    +      <id>dashboard_portlet_14122</id>
Created 0 views, updated 2 views, skipped 0 views.
# BEGIN SUBSECTION: reconfigure 689 jobs
Skipped job 'Krel_import-package' [1 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Krel_sync-packages-to-main' [2 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Krel_sync-packages-to-testing_xenial_amd64' [3 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__genjava__ubuntu_xenial__source' [4 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__genjava__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [5 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__acado__ubuntu_xenial__source' [6 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__acado__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [7 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__backoff_behaviour__ubuntu_xenial__source' [8 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__backoff_behaviour__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [9 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__bayes_tracking__ubuntu_xenial__source' [10 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__bayes_tracking__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [11 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__catkin_simple__ubuntu_xenial__source' [12 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__catkin_simple__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [13 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__catkin_test_pkg__ubuntu_xenial__source' [14 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__catkin_test_pkg__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [15 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__cititruck_gazebo__ubuntu_xenial__source' [16 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__cititruck_gazebo__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [17 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__cititruck_teleop__ubuntu_xenial__source' [18 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__cititruck_teleop__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [19 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__cliffmap_ros__ubuntu_xenial__source' [20 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__cliffmap_ros__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [21 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__cliffmap_rviz_plugin__ubuntu_xenial__source' [22 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__cliffmap_rviz_plugin__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [23 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__contact_monitor__ubuntu_xenial__source' [24 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__contact_monitor__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [25 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__ddynamic_reconfigure__ubuntu_xenial__source' [26 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__ddynamic_reconfigure__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [27 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__detector_msg_to_pose_array__ubuntu_xenial__source' [28 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__detector_msg_to_pose_array__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [29 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__dwa_local_planner_constraint__ubuntu_xenial__source' [30 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__dwa_local_planner_constraint__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [31 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__euro_pallet__ubuntu_xenial__source' [32 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__euro_pallet__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [33 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__exploration_msgs__ubuntu_xenial__source' [34 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__exploration_msgs__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [35 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__flir_pantilt_d46__ubuntu_xenial__source' [36 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__flir_pantilt_d46__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [37 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__franka_description__ubuntu_xenial__source' [38 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__franka_description__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [39 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__franka_gripper__ubuntu_xenial__source' [40 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__franka_gripper__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [41 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__franka_hw__ubuntu_xenial__source' [42 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__franka_hw__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [43 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__franka_msgs__ubuntu_xenial__source' [44 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__franka_msgs__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [45 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__franka_control__ubuntu_xenial__source' [46 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__franka_control__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [47 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__franka_example_controllers__ubuntu_xenial__source' [48 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__franka_example_controllers__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [49 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__franka_visualization__ubuntu_xenial__source' [50 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__franka_visualization__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [51 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__franka_ros__ubuntu_xenial__source' [52 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__franka_ros__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [53 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__fremen2dgrid__ubuntu_xenial__source' [54 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__fremen2dgrid__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [55 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__fremenarray__ubuntu_xenial__source' [56 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__fremenarray__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [57 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__fremengrid__ubuntu_xenial__source' [58 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__fremengrid__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [59 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__fremenserver__ubuntu_xenial__source' [60 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__fremenserver__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [61 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__froctomap__ubuntu_xenial__source' [62 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__froctomap__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [63 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__gazebo_models_oru__ubuntu_xenial__source' [64 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__gazebo_models_oru__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [65 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__gazebo_worlds_oru__ubuntu_xenial__source' [66 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__gazebo_worlds_oru__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [67 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__gmmtmap_ros__ubuntu_xenial__source' [68 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__gmmtmap_ros__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [69 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__gmmtmap_rviz_plugin__ubuntu_xenial__source' [70 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__gmmtmap_rviz_plugin__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [71 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__ground_plane_estimation__ubuntu_xenial__source' [72 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__ground_plane_estimation__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [73 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__image_branding__ubuntu_xenial__source' [74 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__image_branding__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [75 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__joy_map_saver__ubuntu_xenial__source' [76 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__joy_map_saver__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [77 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__kinect2_description__ubuntu_xenial__source' [78 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__kinect2_description__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [79 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__kinect2_registration__ubuntu_xenial__source' [80 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__kinect2_registration__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [81 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__kinect_control__ubuntu_xenial__source' [82 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__kinect_control__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [83 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__asus_description__ubuntu_xenial__source' [84 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__asus_description__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [85 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__kinect_description__ubuntu_xenial__source' [86 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__kinect_description__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [87 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__kmo_cpi_interface__ubuntu_xenial__source' [88 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__kmo_cpi_interface__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [89 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__kmo_navserver__ubuntu_xenial__source' [90 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__kmo_navserver__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [91 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__libfreenect2__ubuntu_xenial__source' [92 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__libfreenect2__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [93 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__kinect2_bridge__ubuntu_xenial__source' [94 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__kinect2_bridge__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [95 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__kinect2_calibration__ubuntu_xenial__source' [96 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__kinect2_calibration__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [97 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__kinect2_viewer__ubuntu_xenial__source' [98 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__kinect2_viewer__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [99 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__iai_kinect2__ubuntu_xenial__source' [100 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__iai_kinect2__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [101 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__libmongocxx_ros__ubuntu_xenial__source' [102 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__libmongocxx_ros__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [103 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__lidar_object_detection__ubuntu_xenial__source' [104 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__lidar_object_detection__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [105 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__marvelmind_nav__ubuntu_xenial__source' [106 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__marvelmind_nav__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [107 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__mongodb_store_msgs__ubuntu_xenial__source' [108 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__mongodb_store_msgs__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [109 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__mongodb_store__ubuntu_xenial__source' [110 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__mongodb_store__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [111 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__calibrate_chest__ubuntu_xenial__source' [112 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__calibrate_chest__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [113 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__frongo__ubuntu_xenial__source' [114 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__frongo__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [115 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__frongoweb__ubuntu_xenial__source' [116 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__frongoweb__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [117 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__marathon_reporter__ubuntu_xenial__source' [118 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__marathon_reporter__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [119 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__mongodb_log__ubuntu_xenial__source' [120 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__mongodb_log__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [121 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__mongodb_media_server__ubuntu_xenial__source' [122 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__mongodb_media_server__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [123 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__movebase_state_service__ubuntu_xenial__source' [124 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__movebase_state_service__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [125 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__nav_goals_generator__ubuntu_xenial__source' [126 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__nav_goals_generator__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [127 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__ndt_evaluation__ubuntu_xenial__source' [128 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__ndt_evaluation__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [129 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__networkanalysis_msgs__ubuntu_xenial__source' [130 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__networkanalysis_msgs__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [131 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__nifti_launchers__ubuntu_xenial__source' [132 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__nifti_launchers__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [133 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__nifti_robot_description__ubuntu_xenial__source' [134 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__nifti_robot_description__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [135 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__nifti_robot_driver_msgs__ubuntu_xenial__source' [136 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__nifti_robot_driver_msgs__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [137 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__object3d_detector__ubuntu_xenial__source' [138 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__object3d_detector__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [139 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__odometry_mileage__ubuntu_xenial__source' [140 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__odometry_mileage__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [141 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__openni_wrapper__ubuntu_xenial__source' [142 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__openni_wrapper__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [143 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__optris_drivers__ubuntu_xenial__source' [144 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__optris_drivers__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [145 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__orunav_generic__ubuntu_xenial__source' [146 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__orunav_generic__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [147 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__gazebo_plugins_oru__ubuntu_xenial__source' [148 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__gazebo_plugins_oru__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [149 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__orunav_geometry__ubuntu_xenial__source' [150 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__orunav_geometry__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [151 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__orunav_launch__ubuntu_xenial__source' [152 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__orunav_launch__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [153 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__orunav_msgs__ubuntu_xenial__source' [154 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__orunav_msgs__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [155 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__coordination_oru_msgs__ubuntu_xenial__source' [156 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__coordination_oru_msgs__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [157 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__coordination_oru_ros__ubuntu_xenial__source' [158 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__coordination_oru_ros__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [159 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__orunav_conversions__ubuntu_xenial__source' [160 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__orunav_conversions__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [161 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__orunav_mpc__ubuntu_xenial__source' [162 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__orunav_mpc__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [163 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__orunav_params__ubuntu_xenial__source' [164 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__orunav_params__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [165 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__orunav_rosbag_tools__ubuntu_xenial__source' [166 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__orunav_rosbag_tools__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [167 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__orunav_rviz__ubuntu_xenial__source' [168 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__orunav_rviz__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [169 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__kmo_fork_control__ubuntu_xenial__source' [170 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__kmo_fork_control__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [171 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__orunav_constraint_extract__ubuntu_xenial__source' [172 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__orunav_constraint_extract__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [173 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__orunav_coordinator_fake__ubuntu_xenial__source' [174 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__orunav_coordinator_fake__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [175 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__orunav_fork_control__ubuntu_xenial__source' [176 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__orunav_fork_control__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [177 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__orunav_motion_planner__ubuntu_xenial__source' [178 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__orunav_motion_planner__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [179 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__orunav_node_utils__ubuntu_xenial__source' [180 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__orunav_node_utils__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [181 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__orunav_debug__ubuntu_xenial__source' [182 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__orunav_debug__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [183 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__orunav_pallet_detection_sdf__ubuntu_xenial__source' [184 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__orunav_pallet_detection_sdf__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [185 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__orunav_path_pool__ubuntu_xenial__source' [186 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__orunav_path_pool__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [187 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__orunav_trajectory_processor__ubuntu_xenial__source' [188 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__orunav_trajectory_processor__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [189 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__orunav_path_smoother__ubuntu_xenial__source' [190 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__orunav_path_smoother__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [191 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__orunav_vehicle_execution__ubuntu_xenial__source' [192 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__orunav_vehicle_execution__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [193 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__ouster_client__ubuntu_xenial__source' [194 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__ouster_client__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [195 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__ouster_ros__ubuntu_xenial__source' [196 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__ouster_ros__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [197 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__param_loader__ubuntu_xenial__source' [198 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__param_loader__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [199 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__patrolling_build_graph_msgs__ubuntu_xenial__source' [200 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__patrolling_build_graph_msgs__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [201 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__pcl_catkin_c11__ubuntu_xenial__source' [202 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__pcl_catkin_c11__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [203 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__pcl_conversions_c11__ubuntu_xenial__source' [204 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__pcl_conversions_c11__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [205 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__pcl_ros_c11__ubuntu_xenial__source' [206 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__pcl_ros_c11__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [207 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__ms_octomap_server__ubuntu_xenial__source' [208 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__ms_octomap_server__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [209 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__ms_octomap_mapping__ubuntu_xenial__source' [210 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__ms_octomap_mapping__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [211 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__pedsim_scenarios__ubuntu_xenial__source' [212 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__pedsim_scenarios__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [213 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__people_msgs__ubuntu_xenial__source' [214 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__people_msgs__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [215 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__bayes_people_tracker__ubuntu_xenial__source' [216 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__bayes_people_tracker__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [217 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__face_detector__ubuntu_xenial__source' [218 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__face_detector__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [219 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__people_tracker_emulator__ubuntu_xenial__source' [220 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__people_tracker_emulator__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [221 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__people_tracker_filter__ubuntu_xenial__source' [222 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__people_tracker_filter__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [223 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__people_tracking_filter__ubuntu_xenial__source' [224 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__people_tracking_filter__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [225 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__leg_detector__ubuntu_xenial__source' [226 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__leg_detector__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [227 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__people__ubuntu_xenial__source' [228 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__people__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [229 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__perception_pcl_c11__ubuntu_xenial__source' [230 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__perception_pcl_c11__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [231 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__persistent_topics__ubuntu_xenial__source' [232 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__persistent_topics__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [233 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__pose_extractor__ubuntu_xenial__source' [234 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__pose_extractor__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [235 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__pose_initialiser__ubuntu_xenial__source' [236 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__pose_initialiser__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [237 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__prism_strands__ubuntu_xenial__source' [238 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__prism_strands__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [239 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__ptu_follow_frame__ubuntu_xenial__source' [240 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__ptu_follow_frame__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [241 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__py_at_broker__ubuntu_xenial__source' [242 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__py_at_broker__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [243 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__pygame_managed_player__ubuntu_xenial__source' [244 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__pygame_managed_player__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [245 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__mary_tts__ubuntu_xenial__source' [246 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__mary_tts__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [247 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__music_player__ubuntu_xenial__source' [248 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__music_player__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [249 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__qsr_lib__ubuntu_xenial__source' [250 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__qsr_lib__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [251 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__hrsi_representation__ubuntu_xenial__source' [252 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__hrsi_representation__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [253 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__qsr_prob_rep__ubuntu_xenial__source' [254 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__qsr_prob_rep__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [255 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__hrsi_state_prediction__ubuntu_xenial__source' [256 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__hrsi_state_prediction__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [257 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__hrsi_velocity_costmaps__ubuntu_xenial__source' [258 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__hrsi_velocity_costmaps__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [259 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__hrsi_launch__ubuntu_xenial__source' [260 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__hrsi_launch__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [261 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__quadprogpp__ubuntu_xenial__source' [262 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__quadprogpp__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [263 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__ramp_climb__ubuntu_xenial__source' [264 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__ramp_climb__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [265 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__realsense2_camera__ubuntu_xenial__source' [266 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__realsense2_camera__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [267 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__reconfigure_inflation__ubuntu_xenial__source' [268 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__reconfigure_inflation__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [269 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__robot_blockly__ubuntu_xenial__source' [270 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__robot_blockly__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [271 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__robot_talk__ubuntu_xenial__source' [272 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__robot_talk__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [273 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__door_pass__ubuntu_xenial__source' [274 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__door_pass__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [275 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__robot_trajectory_saver_msgs__ubuntu_xenial__source' [276 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__robot_trajectory_saver_msgs__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [277 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__rosbridge_library__ubuntu_xenial__source' [278 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__rosbridge_library__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [279 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__mqtt_bridge__ubuntu_xenial__source' [280 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__mqtt_bridge__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [281 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__rosapi__ubuntu_xenial__source' [282 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__rosapi__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [283 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__rosbridge_msgs__ubuntu_xenial__source' [284 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__rosbridge_msgs__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [285 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__rosbridge_server__ubuntu_xenial__source' [286 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__rosbridge_server__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [287 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__rosbridge_suite__ubuntu_xenial__source' [288 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__rosbridge_suite__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [289 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__rosduct__ubuntu_xenial__source' [290 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__rosduct__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [291 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__iliad_launch_system__ubuntu_xenial__source' [292 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__iliad_launch_system__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [293 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__roslaunch_axserver__ubuntu_xenial__source' [294 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__roslaunch_axserver__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [295 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__rwth_perception_people_msgs__ubuntu_xenial__source' [296 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__rwth_perception_people_msgs__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [297 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__scipoptsuite__ubuntu_xenial__source' [298 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__scipoptsuite__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [299 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__scitos_cmd_vel_mux__ubuntu_xenial__source' [300 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__scitos_cmd_vel_mux__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [301 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__scitos_description__ubuntu_xenial__source' [302 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__scitos_description__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [303 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__scitos_msgs__ubuntu_xenial__source' [304 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__scitos_msgs__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [305 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__fake_camera_effects__ubuntu_xenial__source' [306 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__fake_camera_effects__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [307 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__scitos_common__ubuntu_xenial__source' [308 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__scitos_common__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [309 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__scitos_dashboard__ubuntu_xenial__source' [310 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__scitos_dashboard__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [311 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__scitos_mira__ubuntu_xenial__source' [312 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__scitos_mira__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [313 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__scitos_pc_monitor__ubuntu_xenial__source' [314 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__scitos_pc_monitor__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [315 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__scitos_ptu__ubuntu_xenial__source' [316 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__scitos_ptu__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [317 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__backtrack_behaviour__ubuntu_xenial__source' [318 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__backtrack_behaviour__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [319 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__scitos_teleop__ubuntu_xenial__source' [320 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__scitos_teleop__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [321 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__scitos_docking__ubuntu_xenial__source' [322 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__scitos_docking__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [323 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__scitos_touch__ubuntu_xenial__source' [324 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__scitos_touch__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [325 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__scitos_apps__ubuntu_xenial__source' [326 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__scitos_apps__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [327 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__scitos_virtual_bumper__ubuntu_xenial__source' [328 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__scitos_virtual_bumper__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [329 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__sentor__ubuntu_xenial__source' [330 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__sentor__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [331 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__senz3d_description__ubuntu_xenial__source' [332 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__senz3d_description__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [333 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__sick_s3x__ubuntu_xenial__source' [334 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__sick_s3x__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [335 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__sicks300__ubuntu_xenial__source' [336 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__sicks300__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [337 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__scitos_bringup__ubuntu_xenial__source' [338 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__scitos_bringup__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [339 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__scitos_drivers__ubuntu_xenial__source' [340 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__scitos_drivers__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [341 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__sim_clock__ubuntu_xenial__source' [342 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__sim_clock__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [343 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__simple_description__ubuntu_xenial__source' [344 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__simple_description__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [345 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__depth_sensors__ubuntu_xenial__source' [346 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__depth_sensors__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [347 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__slackeros__ubuntu_xenial__source' [348 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__slackeros__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [349 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__smach__ubuntu_xenial__source' [350 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__smach__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [351 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__smach_msgs__ubuntu_xenial__source' [352 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__smach_msgs__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [353 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__smach_ros__ubuntu_xenial__source' [354 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__smach_ros__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [355 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__executive_smach__ubuntu_xenial__source' [356 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__executive_smach__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [357 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__social_card_reader__ubuntu_xenial__source' [358 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__social_card_reader__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [359 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__sound_player_server__ubuntu_xenial__source' [360 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__sound_player_server__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [361 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__spencer_bagfile_tools__ubuntu_xenial__source' [362 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__spencer_bagfile_tools__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [363 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__spencer_control_msgs__ubuntu_xenial__source' [364 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__spencer_control_msgs__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [365 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__spencer_diagnostics__ubuntu_xenial__source' [366 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__spencer_diagnostics__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [367 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__rwth_ground_plane__ubuntu_xenial__source' [368 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__rwth_ground_plane__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [369 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__spencer_human_attribute_msgs__ubuntu_xenial__source' [370 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__spencer_human_attribute_msgs__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [371 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__spencer_leg_detector_wrapper__ubuntu_xenial__source' [372 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__spencer_leg_detector_wrapper__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [373 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__spencer_social_relation_msgs__ubuntu_xenial__source' [374 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__spencer_social_relation_msgs__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [375 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__spencer_tracking_msgs__ubuntu_xenial__source' [376 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__spencer_tracking_msgs__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [377 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__rwth_ground_hog__ubuntu_xenial__source' [378 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__rwth_ground_hog__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [379 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__rwth_upper_body_detector__ubuntu_xenial__source' [380 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__rwth_upper_body_detector__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [381 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__spencer_detected_person_association__ubuntu_xenial__source' [382 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__spencer_detected_person_association__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [383 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__spencer_detected_person_conversion__ubuntu_xenial__source' [384 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__spencer_detected_person_conversion__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [385 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__spencer_group_tracking__ubuntu_xenial__source' [386 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__spencer_group_tracking__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [387 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__spencer_social_relations__ubuntu_xenial__source' [388 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__spencer_social_relations__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [389 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__spencer_tracking_metrics__ubuntu_xenial__source' [390 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__spencer_tracking_metrics__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [391 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__spencer_tracking_rviz_plugin__ubuntu_xenial__source' [392 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__spencer_tracking_rviz_plugin__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [393 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__spencer_tracking_utils__ubuntu_xenial__source' [394 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__spencer_tracking_utils__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [395 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__spencer_vision_msgs__ubuntu_xenial__source' [396 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__spencer_vision_msgs__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [397 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__pcl_people_detector__ubuntu_xenial__source' [398 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__pcl_people_detector__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [399 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__rgbd_gpu_person_detector__ubuntu_xenial__source' [400 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__rgbd_gpu_person_detector__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [401 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__spencer_perception_mocks__ubuntu_xenial__source' [402 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__spencer_perception_mocks__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [403 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__spqrel_navigation__ubuntu_xenial__source' [404 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__spqrel_navigation__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [405 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__srl_laser_features__ubuntu_xenial__source' [406 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__srl_laser_features__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [407 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__srl_laser_segmentation__ubuntu_xenial__source' [408 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__srl_laser_segmentation__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [409 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__iliad_leg_tracker__ubuntu_xenial__source' [410 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__iliad_leg_tracker__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [411 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__srl_laser_detectors__ubuntu_xenial__source' [412 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__srl_laser_detectors__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [413 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__srl_nearest_neighbor_tracker__ubuntu_xenial__source' [414 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__srl_nearest_neighbor_tracker__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [415 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__spencer_people_tracking_launch__ubuntu_xenial__source' [416 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__spencer_people_tracking_launch__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [417 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__srl_tracking_exporter__ubuntu_xenial__source' [418 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__srl_tracking_exporter__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [419 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__srl_tracking_logfile_import__ubuntu_xenial__source' [420 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__srl_tracking_logfile_import__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [421 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__stamped_msgs__ubuntu_xenial__source' [422 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__stamped_msgs__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [423 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__nifti_teleop__ubuntu_xenial__source' [424 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__nifti_teleop__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [425 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__state_checker__ubuntu_xenial__source' [426 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__state_checker__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [427 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__static_transform_manager__ubuntu_xenial__source' [428 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__static_transform_manager__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [429 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__steering_functions__ubuntu_xenial__source' [430 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__steering_functions__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [431 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__stefmap_ros__ubuntu_xenial__source' [432 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__stefmap_ros__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [433 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__stefmap_rviz_plugin__ubuntu_xenial__source' [434 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__stefmap_rviz_plugin__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [435 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__strands_description__ubuntu_xenial__source' [436 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__strands_description__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [437 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__strands_emails__ubuntu_xenial__source' [438 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__strands_emails__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [439 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__strands_executive_msgs__ubuntu_xenial__source' [440 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__strands_executive_msgs__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [441 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__gcal_routine__ubuntu_xenial__source' [442 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__gcal_routine__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [443 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__scheduler__ubuntu_xenial__source' [444 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__scheduler__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [445 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__strands_gazing__ubuntu_xenial__source' [446 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__strands_gazing__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [447 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__strands_human_aware_navigation__ubuntu_xenial__source' [448 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__strands_human_aware_navigation__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [449 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__han_action_dispatcher__ubuntu_xenial__source' [450 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__han_action_dispatcher__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [451 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__strands_hri_launch__ubuntu_xenial__source' [452 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__strands_hri_launch__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [453 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__strands_interaction_behaviours__ubuntu_xenial__source' [454 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__strands_interaction_behaviours__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [455 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__strands_navfn__ubuntu_xenial__source' [456 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__strands_navfn__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [457 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__strands_movebase__ubuntu_xenial__source' [458 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__strands_movebase__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [459 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__strands_navigation_msgs__ubuntu_xenial__source' [460 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__strands_navigation_msgs__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [461 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__monitored_navigation__ubuntu_xenial__source' [462 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__monitored_navigation__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [463 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__strands_human_following__ubuntu_xenial__source' [464 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__strands_human_following__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [465 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__strands_monitored_nav_states__ubuntu_xenial__source' [466 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__strands_monitored_nav_states__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [467 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__strands_qsr_lib__ubuntu_xenial__source' [468 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__strands_qsr_lib__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [469 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__strands_simple_follow_me__ubuntu_xenial__source' [470 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__strands_simple_follow_me__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [471 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__strands_tweets__ubuntu_xenial__source' [472 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__strands_tweets__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [473 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__card_image_tweet__ubuntu_xenial__source' [474 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__card_image_tweet__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [475 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__strands_social__ubuntu_xenial__source' [476 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__strands_social__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [477 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__strands_visualise_speech__ubuntu_xenial__source' [478 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__strands_visualise_speech__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [479 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__strands_hri__ubuntu_xenial__source' [480 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__strands_hri__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [481 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__strands_webtools__ubuntu_xenial__source' [482 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__strands_webtools__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [483 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__tf_bag__ubuntu_xenial__source' [484 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__tf_bag__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [485 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__thin_navigation__ubuntu_xenial__source' [486 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__thin_navigation__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [487 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__thorvald_2dnav__ubuntu_xenial__source' [488 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__thorvald_2dnav__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [489 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__thorvald_can_devices__ubuntu_xenial__source' [490 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__thorvald_can_devices__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [491 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__thorvald_msgs__ubuntu_xenial__source' [492 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__thorvald_msgs__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [493 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__thorvald_teleop__ubuntu_xenial__source' [494 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__thorvald_teleop__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [495 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__thorvald_twist_mux__ubuntu_xenial__source' [496 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__thorvald_twist_mux__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [497 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__topic_republisher__ubuntu_xenial__source' [498 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__topic_republisher__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [499 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__strands_apps__ubuntu_xenial__source' [500 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__strands_apps__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [501 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__strands_morse__ubuntu_xenial__source' [502 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__strands_morse__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [503 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__topological_logging_manager__ubuntu_xenial__source' [504 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__topological_logging_manager__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [505 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__human_trajectory__ubuntu_xenial__source' [506 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__human_trajectory__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [507 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__topological_navigation__ubuntu_xenial__source' [508 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__topological_navigation__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [509 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__emergency_behaviours__ubuntu_xenial__source' [510 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__emergency_behaviours__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [511 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__mdp_plan_exec__ubuntu_xenial__source' [512 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__mdp_plan_exec__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [513 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__polytunnel_navigation_actions__ubuntu_xenial__source' [514 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__polytunnel_navigation_actions__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [515 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__topological_roslaunch__ubuntu_xenial__source' [516 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__topological_roslaunch__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [517 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__topological_rviz_tools__ubuntu_xenial__source' [518 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__topological_rviz_tools__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [519 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__topological_utils__ubuntu_xenial__source' [520 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__topological_utils__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [521 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__iliad_topological__ubuntu_xenial__source' [522 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__iliad_topological__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [523 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__strands_navigation__ubuntu_xenial__source' [524 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__strands_navigation__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [525 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__track_annotation_tool__ubuntu_xenial__source' [526 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__track_annotation_tool__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [527 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__tradr_trajectory_control_msgs__ubuntu_xenial__source' [528 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__tradr_trajectory_control_msgs__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [529 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__turtlebot_actions__ubuntu_xenial__source' [530 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__turtlebot_actions__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [531 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__turtlebot_calibration__ubuntu_xenial__source' [532 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__turtlebot_calibration__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [533 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__turtlebot_follower__ubuntu_xenial__source' [534 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__turtlebot_follower__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [535 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__turtlebot_navigation__ubuntu_xenial__source' [536 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__turtlebot_navigation__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [537 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__turtlebot_gazebo__ubuntu_xenial__source' [538 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__turtlebot_gazebo__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [539 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__turtlebot_rapps__ubuntu_xenial__source' [540 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__turtlebot_rapps__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [541 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__turtlebot_apps__ubuntu_xenial__source' [542 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__turtlebot_apps__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [543 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__turtlebot_stage__ubuntu_xenial__source' [544 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__turtlebot_stage__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [545 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__turtlebot_stdr__ubuntu_xenial__source' [546 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__turtlebot_stdr__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [547 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__turtlebot_simulator__ubuntu_xenial__source' [548 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__turtlebot_simulator__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [549 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__twitter_bootstrap__ubuntu_xenial__source' [550 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__twitter_bootstrap__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [551 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__strands_webserver__ubuntu_xenial__source' [552 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__strands_webserver__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [553 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__strands_human_help__ubuntu_xenial__source' [554 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__strands_human_help__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [555 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__strands_ui__ubuntu_xenial__source' [556 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__strands_ui__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [557 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__um7__ubuntu_xenial__source' [558 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__um7__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [559 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__uol_rpi_tbot__ubuntu_xenial__source' [560 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__uol_rpi_tbot__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [561 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__uol_turtlebot_common__ubuntu_xenial__source' [562 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__uol_turtlebot_common__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [563 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__uol_turtlebot_simulator__ubuntu_xenial__source' [564 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__uol_turtlebot_simulator__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [565 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__uol_cmp3103m__ubuntu_xenial__source' [566 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__uol_cmp3103m__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [567 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__upper_body_detector__ubuntu_xenial__source' [568 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__upper_body_detector__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [569 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__rwth_upper_body_skeleton_random_walk__ubuntu_xenial__source' [570 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__rwth_upper_body_skeleton_random_walk__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [571 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__velodyne_description8__ubuntu_xenial__source' [572 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__velodyne_description8__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [573 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__cititruck_description__ubuntu_xenial__source' [574 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__cititruck_description__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [575 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__iliad_human_perception_launch__ubuntu_xenial__source' [576 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__iliad_human_perception_launch__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [577 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__navigation_oru__ubuntu_xenial__source' [578 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__navigation_oru__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [579 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__thorvald_description__ubuntu_xenial__source' [580 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__thorvald_description__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [581 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__thorvald_base__ubuntu_xenial__source' [582 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__thorvald_base__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [583 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__thorvald_bringup__ubuntu_xenial__source' [584 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__thorvald_bringup__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [585 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__thorvald_example_robots__ubuntu_xenial__source' [586 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__thorvald_example_robots__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [587 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__thorvald_gazebo_plugins__ubuntu_xenial__source' [588 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__thorvald_gazebo_plugins__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [589 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__thorvald_gui__ubuntu_xenial__source' [590 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__thorvald_gui__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [591 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__thorvald__ubuntu_xenial__source' [592 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__thorvald__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [593 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__thorvald_simulator__ubuntu_xenial__source' [594 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__thorvald_simulator__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [595 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__velodyne_gazebo_plugins8__ubuntu_xenial__source' [596 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__velodyne_gazebo_plugins8__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [597 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__uol_cmp9767m_base__ubuntu_xenial__source' [598 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__uol_cmp9767m_base__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [599 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__uol_cmp9767m_tutorial__ubuntu_xenial__source' [600 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__uol_cmp9767m_tutorial__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [601 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__velodyne_pointcloud_oru__ubuntu_xenial__source' [602 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__velodyne_pointcloud_oru__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [603 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__ndt_generic__ubuntu_xenial__source' [604 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__ndt_generic__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [605 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__ndt_map__ubuntu_xenial__source' [606 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__ndt_map__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [607 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__ndt_feature_finder__ubuntu_xenial__source' [608 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__ndt_feature_finder__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [609 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__ndt_localization__ubuntu_xenial__source' [610 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__ndt_localization__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [611 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__ndt_registration__ubuntu_xenial__source' [612 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__ndt_registration__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [613 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__ndt_rviz__ubuntu_xenial__source' [614 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__ndt_rviz__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [615 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__ndt_visualisation__ubuntu_xenial__source' [616 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__ndt_visualisation__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [617 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__ndt_core__ubuntu_xenial__source' [618 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__ndt_core__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [619 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__ndt_fuser__ubuntu_xenial__source' [620 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__ndt_fuser__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [621 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__ndt_offline__ubuntu_xenial__source' [622 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__ndt_offline__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [623 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__graph_map__ubuntu_xenial__source' [624 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__graph_map__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [625 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__graph_localization__ubuntu_xenial__source' [626 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__graph_localization__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [627 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__ndt_calibration__ubuntu_xenial__source' [628 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__ndt_calibration__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [629 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__ndt_tools__ubuntu_xenial__source' [630 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__ndt_tools__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [631 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__velodyne_simulator8__ubuntu_xenial__source' [632 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__velodyne_simulator8__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [633 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__video_to_bagfile__ubuntu_xenial__source' [634 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__video_to_bagfile__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [635 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__spencer_people_tracking_full__ubuntu_xenial__source' [636 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__spencer_people_tracking_full__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [637 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__vision_people_logging__ubuntu_xenial__source' [638 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__vision_people_logging__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [639 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__visual_odometry__ubuntu_xenial__source' [640 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__visual_odometry__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [641 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__mdl_people_tracker__ubuntu_xenial__source' [642 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__mdl_people_tracker__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [643 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__bayes_people_tracker_logging__ubuntu_xenial__source' [644 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__bayes_people_tracker_logging__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [645 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__odometry_to_motion_matrix__ubuntu_xenial__source' [646 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__odometry_to_motion_matrix__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [647 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__perception_people_launch__ubuntu_xenial__source' [648 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__perception_people_launch__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [649 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__strands_perception_people__ubuntu_xenial__source' [650 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__strands_perception_people__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [651 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__vmc_navserver__ubuntu_xenial__source' [652 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__vmc_navserver__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [653 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__vrep_common__ubuntu_xenial__source' [654 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__vrep_common__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [655 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__vrep_ugv_plugin__ubuntu_xenial__source' [656 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__vrep_ugv_plugin__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [657 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__vrep_ugv_simulation__ubuntu_xenial__source' [658 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__vrep_ugv_simulation__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [659 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__wait_action__ubuntu_xenial__source' [660 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__wait_action__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [661 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__task_executor__ubuntu_xenial__source' [662 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__task_executor__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [663 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__iliad_executive__ubuntu_xenial__source' [664 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__iliad_executive__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [665 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__walking_group_recovery__ubuntu_xenial__source' [666 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__walking_group_recovery__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [667 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__strands_recovery_behaviours__ubuntu_xenial__source' [668 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__strands_recovery_behaviours__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [669 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__watchdog_node__ubuntu_xenial__source' [670 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__watchdog_node__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [671 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__whycon_ros__ubuntu_xenial__source' [672 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__whycon_ros__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [673 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__whytemap_ros__ubuntu_xenial__source' [674 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__whytemap_ros__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [675 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__ompl_mod_objectives__ubuntu_xenial__source' [676 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__ompl_mod_objectives__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [677 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__iliad_smp_global_planner__ubuntu_xenial__source' [678 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__iliad_smp_global_planner__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [679 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__ompl_planners_ros__ubuntu_xenial__source' [680 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__ompl_planners_ros__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [681 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__wireless_network_msgs__ubuntu_xenial__source' [682 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__wireless_network_msgs__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [683 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__tradr_path_planner__ubuntu_xenial__source' [684 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__tradr_path_planner__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [685 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__tradr_path_planner_rviz_wp_plugin__ubuntu_xenial__source' [686 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__tradr_path_planner_rviz_wp_plugin__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [687 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Ksrc_uX__tradr_trajectory_control__ubuntu_xenial__source' [688 / 689] because the config is the same
Skipped job 'Kbin_uX64__tradr_trajectory_control__ubuntu_xenial_amd64__binary' [689 / 689] because the config is the same
Created 0 jobs, updated 0 jobs, skipped 689 jobs.
Rebuilding dependency graph...
# BEGIN SUBSECTION: Groovy script - delete obsolete 'binary_ubuntu_xenial_amd64' jobs
Searching for obsolete jobs starting with 'Kbin_uX64__'
Deleted 0 jobs.
# BEGIN SUBSECTION: Groovy script - delete obsolete 'source_ubuntu_xenial' jobs
Searching for obsolete jobs starting with 'Ksrc_uX__'
Deleted 0 jobs.
Triggering a new build of Krel_trigger-jobs
Finished: SUCCESS