17:50:34 # BEGIN SECTION: Build Dockerfile - generate sourcedeb
17:50:34 + cd /home/jenkins-slave/workspace/Ksrc_uX__strands_ui__ubuntu_xenial__source/docker_sourcedeb
17:50:34 + cp -L **** /home/jenkins-slave/workspace/Ksrc_uX__strands_ui__ubuntu_xenial__source/docker_sourcedeb/.git-credentials
17:50:34 + python3 -u /home/jenkins-slave/workspace/Ksrc_uX__strands_ui__ubuntu_xenial__source/ros_buildfarm/scripts/misc/docker_pull_baseimage.py
17:50:34 Get base image name from Dockerfile 'Dockerfile': ubuntu:xenial
17:50:34 Check docker base image for updates: docker pull ubuntu:xenial
17:50:38 xenial: Pulling from library/ubuntu
17:50:38 Digest: sha256:f53ee6c26fed293a1faaad6cb83713ce9289e4a38a9ea7e0d78c156fa1022e75
17:50:38 Status: Image is up to date for ubuntu:xenial
17:50:38 + docker build --force-rm -t sourcedeb.kinetic_ubuntu_xenial_strands_ui .
17:50:38 Sending build context to Docker daemon 18.43 kB
Sending build context to Docker daemon 18.43 kB
17:50:38 Step 1 : FROM ubuntu:xenial
17:50:38 ---> 2b9623518fa2
17:50:38 Step 2 : VOLUME /var/cache/apt/archives
17:50:38 ---> Using cache
17:50:38 ---> 74ba1b76bf6e
17:50:38 Step 3 : ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive
17:50:40 ---> Using cache
17:50:40 ---> 2493ca106c60
17:50:40 Step 4 : RUN for i in 1 2 3; do apt-get update && apt-get install -q -y locales && apt-get clean && break || if [[ $i < 3 ]]; then sleep 5; else false; fi; done
17:50:41 ---> Using cache
17:50:41 ---> 885388895e3f
17:50:41 Step 5 : RUN echo "en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8" >> /etc/locale.gen
17:50:42 ---> Using cache
17:50:42 ---> 40393b666211
17:50:42 Step 6 : RUN locale-gen en_US.UTF-8
17:50:43 ---> Using cache
17:50:43 ---> e52d5a0e19f6
17:50:43 Step 7 : ENV LANG en_US.UTF-8
17:50:44 ---> Using cache
17:50:44 ---> 2a9c5e2d8565
17:50:44 Step 8 : ENV TZ GMT+00
17:50:46 ---> Using cache
17:50:46 ---> be900094f1df
17:50:46 Step 9 : RUN useradd -u 1002 -m buildfarm
17:50:47 ---> Using cache
17:50:47 ---> 653b534e961f
17:50:47 Step 10 : RUN mkdir /tmp/keys
17:50:48 ---> Using cache
17:50:48 ---> e4ea2a03c969
17:50:48 Step 11 : RUN echo "-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----\nVersion: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)\n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\nChb0eEZA5ePvnGofu+3JH48FmCIPveD+4kI9GhtGkCL3Q2PiPiLcSnWQWQ==\n=nFcN\n-----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- \n" > /tmp/keys/0.key && apt-key add /tmp/keys/0.key
17:50:49 ---> Using cache
17:50:49 ---> d89322b323f7
17:50:49 Step 12 : RUN echo "-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----\nVersion: GnuPG v1\n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\nx9o=\n=AGYp\n-----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----\n" > /tmp/keys/1.key && apt-key add /tmp/keys/1.key
17:50:51 ---> Using cache
17:50:51 ---> 0aca65174b48
17:50:51 Step 13 : RUN echo deb xenial main | tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/buildfarm.list
17:50:52 ---> Using cache
17:50:52 ---> 068fa303acf0
17:50:52 Step 14 : RUN echo deb
http://packages.ros.org/ros/ubuntu xenial main | tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/buildfarm.list
17:50:52 ---> Using cache
17:50:52 ---> 27bd819464fc
17:50:52 Step 15 : RUN mkdir /tmp/wrapper_scripts
17:50:53 ---> Using cache
17:50:53 ---> bcec6d3d7daa
17:50:53 Step 16 : RUN echo "#!/usr/bin/env python3\n\n# Copyright 2014-2016 Open Source Robotics Foundation, Inc.\n#\n# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n# You may obtain a copy of the License at\n#\n#
http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n#\n# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n# distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n# limitations under the License.\n\nimport subprocess\nimport sys\nfrom time import sleep\n\n\ndef main(argv=sys.argv[1:]):\n max_tries = 10\n known_error_strings = [\n 'Failed to fetch',\n 'Hash Sum mismatch',\n 'Unable to locate package',\n 'is not what the server reported',\n ]\n\n command = argv[0]\n if command in ['update', 'source']:\n rc, _, _ = call_apt_repeatedly(\n argv, known_error_strings, max_tries)\n return rc\n elif command == 'update-install-clean':\n return call_apt_update_install_clean(\n argv[1:], known_error_strings, max_tries)\n else:\n assert \"Command '%s' not implemented\" % command\n\n\ndef call_apt_update_install_clean(\n install_argv, known_error_strings, max_tries):\n tries = 0\n command = 'update'\n while tries < max_tries:\n if command == 'update':\n rc, _, tries = call_apt_repeatedly(\n [command], known_error_strings, max_tries - tries,\n offset=tries)\n if rc != 0:\n # abort if update was unsuccessful even after retries\n break\n # move on to the install command if update was successful\n command = 'install'\n\n if command == 'install':\n # any call is considered a try\n tries += 1\n known_error_strings_redo_update = [\n 'Size mismatch',\n 'maybe run apt update',\n 'The following packages cannot be authenticated!',\n 'Unable to locate package',\n ]\n rc, known_error_conditions = \\\\\n call_apt(\n [command] + install_argv,\n known_error_strings + known_error_strings_redo_update)\n if not known_error_conditions:\n if rc != 0:\n # abort if install was unsuccessful\n break\n # move on to the clean command if install was successful\n command = 'clean'\n continue\n\n # known errors are always interpreted as a non-zero rc\n if rc == 0:\n rc = 1\n # check if update needs to be rerun\n if (\n set(known_error_conditions) &\n set(known_error_strings_redo_update)\n ):\n command = 'update'\n print(\"'apt install' failed and likely requires \" +\n \"'apt update' to run again\")\n # retry with update command\n continue\n\n print('Invocation failed due to the following known error '\n 'conditions: ' + ', '.join(known_error_conditions))\n if tries < max_tries:\n sleep_time = 5\n print(\"Reinvoke 'apt install' after sleeping %s seconds\" %\n sleep_time)\n sleep(sleep_time)\n # retry install command\n\n if command == 'clean':\n rc, _ = call_apt([command], [])\n break\n\n return rc\n\n\ndef call_apt_repeatedly(argv, known_error_strings, max_tries, offset=0):\n command = argv[0]\n for i in range(1, max_tries + 1):\n if i > 1:\n sleep_time = 5 + 2 * (i + offset)\n print(\"Reinvoke 'apt %s' (%d/%d) after sleeping %s seconds\" %\n (command, i + offset, max_tries + offset, sleep_time))\n sleep(sleep_time)\n rc, known_error_conditions = call_apt(argv, known_error_strings)\n if not known_error_conditions:\n # break the loop and return the reported rc\n break\n # known errors are always interpreted as a non-zero rc\n if rc == 0:\n rc = 1\n print('')\n print('Invocation failed due to the following known error conditions: '\n ', '.join(known_error_conditions))\n print('')\n # retry in case of failure with known error condition\n return rc, known_error_conditions, i + offset\n\n\ndef call_apt(argv, known_error_strings):\n known_error_conditions = []\n\n # some of the used options are not supported in older distros\n # e.g. Ubuntu Wily, Debian Jessie\n cmd = ['apt-get'] + argv\n print(\"Invoking '%s'\" % ' '.join(cmd))\n proc = subprocess.Popen(\n cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)\n lines = []\n while True:\n line = proc.stdout.readline()\n if not line:\n break\n line = line.decode()\n lines.append(line)\n sys.stdout.write(line)\n for known_error_string in known_error_strings:\n if known_error_string in line:\n if known_error_string not in known_error_conditions:\n known_error_conditions.append(known_error_string)\n proc.wait()\n rc = proc.returncode\n if rc and not known_error_conditions:\n print('Invocation failed without any known error condition, '\n 'printing all lines to debug known error detection:')\n for index, line in enumerate(lines):\n print(' ', index + 1, \"'%s'\" % line.rstrip('\\\\n\\\\r'))\n print('None of the following known errors were detected:')\n for index, known_error_string in enumerate(known_error_strings):\n print(' ', index + 1, \"'%s'\" % known_error_string)\n return rc, known_error_conditions\n\n\nif __name__ == '__main__':\n sys.exit(main())" > /tmp/wrapper_scripts/apt.py
17:50:54 ---> Using cache
17:50:54 ---> cf5bf8d684ba
17:50:54 Step 17 : RUN echo "#!/usr/bin/env python3\n\n# Copyright 2016 Open Source Robotics Foundation, Inc.\n#\n# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n# You may obtain a copy of the License at\n#\n#
http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n#\n# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n# distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n# limitations under the License.\n\nimport subprocess\nimport sys\nfrom time import sleep\n\n\ndef main(argv=sys.argv[1:]):\n max_tries = 10\n known_error_strings = [\n 'Connection timed out',\n ]\n\n command = argv[0]\n if command == 'clone':\n rc, _, _ = call_git_repeatedly(\n argv, known_error_strings, max_tries)\n return rc\n else:\n assert \"Command '%s' not implemented\" % command\n\n\ndef call_git_repeatedly(argv, known_error_strings, max_tries):\n command = argv[0]\n for i in range(1, max_tries + 1):\n if i > 1:\n sleep_time = 5 + 2 * i\n print(\"Reinvoke 'git %s' (%d/%d) after sleeping %s seconds\" %\n (command, i, max_tries, sleep_time))\n sleep(sleep_time)\n rc, known_error_conditions = call_git(argv, known_error_strings)\n if rc == 0 or not known_error_conditions:\n break\n print('')\n print('Invocation failed due to the following known error conditions: '\n ', '.join(known_error_conditions))\n print('')\n # retry in case of failure with known error condition\n return rc, known_error_conditions, i\n\n\ndef call_git(argv, known_error_strings):\n known_error_conditions = []\n\n cmd = ['git'] + argv\n print(\"Invoking '%s'\" % ' '.join(cmd))\n proc = subprocess.Popen(\n cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)\n while True:\n line = proc.stdout.readline()\n if not line:\n break\n line = line.decode()\n sys.stdout.write(line)\n for known_error_string in known_error_strings:\n if known_error_string in line:\n if known_error_string not in known_error_conditions:\n known_error_conditions.append(known_error_string)\n proc.wait()\n rc = proc.returncode\n return rc, known_error_conditions\n\n\nif __name__ == '__main__':\n sys.exit(main())" > /tmp/wrapper_scripts/git.py
17:50:55 ---> Using cache
17:50:55 ---> e99de639c6be
17:50:55 Step 18 : RUN echo "2018-09-10 (+0000)"
17:50:56 ---> Using cache
17:50:56 ---> 74cce3c4f363
17:50:56 Step 19 : RUN for i in 1 2 3; do apt-get update && apt-get install -q -y python3 && apt-get clean && break || if [[ $i < 3 ]]; then sleep 5; else false; fi; done
17:50:57 ---> Using cache
17:50:57 ---> 8b2a846380a8
17:50:57 Step 20 : RUN python3 -u /tmp/wrapper_scripts/apt.py update-install-clean -q -y debhelper dpkg dpkg-dev git git-buildpackage python3-catkin-pkg-modules python3-rosdistro-modules python3-yaml
17:50:58 ---> Using cache
17:50:58 ---> 326dd7f72576
17:50:58 Step 21 : COPY .git-credentials /home/buildfarm/.git-credentials
17:50:59 ---> Using cache
17:50:59 ---> 9802bf25c5f4
17:50:59 Step 22 : RUN chmod 600 /home/buildfarm/.git-credentials
17:51:00 ---> Using cache
17:51:00 ---> c4a4f5b5a90f
17:51:00 Step 23 : RUN chown buildfarm /home/buildfarm/.git-credentials
17:51:00 ---> Using cache
17:51:00 ---> c55ede7975ac
17:51:00 Step 24 : USER buildfarm
17:51:01 ---> Using cache
17:51:01 ---> f63e7e62dd9c
17:51:01 Step 25 : RUN git config --global credential.helper 'store'
17:51:02 ---> Using cache
17:51:02 ---> d3eceb9f396a
17:51:02 Step 26 : RUN git config --global http.sslVerify false
17:51:03 ---> Using cache
17:51:03 ---> e755e41eb087
17:51:03 Step 27 : ENTRYPOINT sh -c
17:51:04 ---> Using cache
17:51:04 ---> 2d3ea428ed2b
17:51:04 Step 28 : CMD PYTHONPATH=/tmp/ros_buildfarm:$PYTHONPATH python3 -u /tmp/ros_buildfarm/scripts/release/get_sources.py --rosdistro-index-url
https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LCAS/rosdistro/master/index.yaml kinetic strands_ui ubuntu xenial http://packages.ros.org/ros/ubuntu --source-dir /tmp/sourcedeb/source && PYTHONPATH=/tmp/ros_buildfarm:$PYTHONPATH python3 -u /tmp/ros_buildfarm/scripts/release/build_sourcedeb.py ubuntu xenial --source-dir /tmp/sourcedeb/source
17:51:05 ---> Running in a1ca6c9997cb
17:51:05 ---> 45c53c554e3c
17:51:05 Removing intermediate container a1ca6c9997cb
17:51:05 Successfully built 45c53c554e3c
17:51:05 + echo # END SECTION
17:51:05 # END SECTION