Be Part of a New RoboCup Team of the School of Computer Science

This is an exciting opportunity for students with a passion for Computer Science, Robotics, AI and related fields to be an integral part in the formation of a new RoboCup Team in L-CAS and the School of Computer Science at Lincoln. The L-CAS group had an active Robocup Team, named SPQReL TEAM, collaborating with the Sapienza University of Rome and competing in European and Worldwide Leagues. Moreover, several L-CAS members have past experiences in robotics competitions while being part of different robotics teams.

SPQReL Team in Montreal Canada, 2018.

Given the renewed interest of the group in forming a new Team for competing in Robotics Competitions, we are seeking interest from BSc and MSc that are willing to be part of the Team, developing the Robotics and AI software methodologies needed for building the software base of our TIAGo Robot, enabling it to compete in the international competitions. The benefits for students involved in the Team will be:

  • working with experienced researchers to develop exciting novel robotics solutions,
  • the opportunity of fulfilling some of your modules’ projects by producing a well-defined technological contribution to the Team (to be discussed on a case by case basis),
  • opportunity to travel abroad for competing against other Teams/Universities.

Required skills: proficiency in a programming language (e.g. Python, C++), enthusiasm for Robotics and AI technologies, and willingness to learn.

Good-to-have skills: knowledge of Robotics and AI techniques, and willingness to stay in the team after the summer internship (so ideally we would prefer involvement from 1st and 2nd-year students).

Please apply below and should you have any questions, please contact Francesco Del Duchetto on teams or via email:

Apply Online

Explain why you want this job and what qualifies you specifically (max 3000 characters)
In here, include details about your education to date (modules taken and grades achieved) as well as any other relevant work experience
If you have a professional online portfolio or profile, please link it here

Fields with (*) are compulsory.