Welcome to the Lincoln Centre for Autonomous Systems Research (L-CAS), the University of Lincoln’s cross-disciplinary research group in robotics. L-CAS specialises in technologies for perception, learning, decision-making, control and interaction in autonomous systems, especially mobile robots and robotic manipulators, and the integration of these capabilities in application domains including
- agri-food,
- healthcare,
- intelligent transportation,
- logistics,
- nuclear robotics,
- service robotics, and
- space robotics.
We participate in a large number of collaborative research projects with other academic and industry partners, funded by the UK Research Councils, Innovate UK and Horizon 2020, among others. We are leading a new £6.9m EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Agri-Food Robotics, with the Universities of Cambridge and East Anglia, and are co-leads of a £6.3m award from the UK Government’s Expanding Excellence in England (E3) Fund to create Lincoln Agri-Robotics, a global centre of excellence for agricultural robotics, in collaboration with the Lincoln Institute for Agri-Food Technology. We also collaborate closely with the Lincoln Institute for Health and the National Centre for Food Manufacturing, which are focussed on delivering real-world impact in those domains.
Our joint facilities include dedicated robotics research labs, a demonstration farm, an experimental food factory, a fleet of diverse mobile and social robots, advanced compliant robotic manipulators, a swarm of microrobots, and state-of-the-art agricultural robots.
Our objective is to become one of the world’s great robotics labs, working on technologies for enhancing the quality of life, our health, wellbeing and the food we eat.
Learn more about our research projects and meet the team, contact us or watch some our latest videos:
L-CAS is a member of euRobotics and UKRAS.