Opportunities to work with us

Please see below for any funded opportunities we currently offer. Besides these funded opportunities, we are always interested to work with excellent robotics researchers from around the world. Be it as a visiting researcher, or visiting Post-Graduate student, or as an intern, if you share our passion for robotics, we like to hear from you (see bottom of this page).

Funded Opportunities

Non-funded Opportunities (visiting researchers and interns)

We usually don’t have funding available to support interns or visiting researcher. You are expected to fund this yourself or through a bursary. If we can offer funded opportunities, you will find them above.

If you want to join as a full Post-Graduate Research (PhD or MSc by Research) student enrolled at the University of Lincoln, please apply directly for one of our research degree programmes. You may indicate in your application a potential L-CAS member to supervisor your studies.

If you are interested in joining as a visiting researcher, visitng post-graduate student or intern for a fixed time, please fill out our Expression of Interest Form. Besides indicating why you’d want to work with us, you have the opportunity to indicate two L-CAS members in the form, who will look at your expression of interest and potentially get back to you. Please also note that we may only respond to candidates that have indicated a good match with our research interests and indicate great academic potential in their expression of interest. Please don’t take it personal if you don’t hear back from us. This is due to the volume of requests we typically receive.