Desert ants rank among the best insect navigators in the world, and now a scientific study shows their navigational skills are even more sophisticated than previously thought.

An expert in robotics from the School of Computer Science at the University of Lincoln, UK, will discuss the latest developments in the sector during Agri-Tech East’s ‘Pollinator’ event on 11th October 2016.

Mobile service robots developed by computer scientists at the University of Lincoln could soon be helping elderly people stay independent and active for longer. A new international project will test the ability of robots to support our ageing populations by assisting residents of care homes in three European countries. ENRICHME (ENabling Robot and assisted living […]

The University of Lincoln’s School of Computer Science has welcomed a new robot capable of sensing and manipulation in workspaces shared with humans – the first of its kind at the University. The arrival of the new BAXTER robot at Lincoln’s Centre for Autonomous Systems heralds the start of a research project, supported by the […]