Our L-CAS intManLab team, led by Dr Amir Ghalamzan, is co-organising the ICRA workshop on “Task-Informed Grasping IV (TIG-IV): From Farm To Fork” at the…

We are looking to recruit a Research Associate with a research profile in autonomous robot navigation to join our agri-robotics research team. The University of…

This robotics PhD studentship (application deadline 23/4/2023), jointly funded by the UK Atomic Energy Authority and the University of Lincoln, falls within the framework of Robotics and Autonomous…

We are excited to welcome Dr Mary Ellen Foster to our joint L-CAS and SoCS research seminar series. Her talk will take place on January…

In March 2022, we started conduct the long-term data acquisition campaign at Ktima Gerovassiliou vineyard. This vineyard extends for more than 100ha located in the…