Our joint paper with the CoR-Lab in Bielefeld has been accepted at ICRA 2013. Kudos go to Christian Lang for his excellent work. Facial Communicative Signal Interpretation in Human-Robot Interaction…
L-CAS is hiring: We are seeking to recruit two Postdoctoral Fellows and one PhD student in the context of a European collaborative project, involving six academic…
Our students Mike, Jonathan, and Pete have successfully accomplished their summer project (read their progress blog), ending with a very successful final demonstration. First, our “Poomba”…
We are hiring: A new lectureship at the Lincoln School of Computer Science has been advertised recently. Particular early career researchers are encouraged to apply…
we are slowly progressing towards a more complete and more up to date website. Bear with us, but have a look at http://robots.lincoln.ac.uk for now to…