The Douglas Bomford Trust was founded in 1972 with the purpose of advancing knowledge, understanding, practice, and competence in the application of engineering technology to achieve…

UK RAS RoboLab Live is the flagship event of the UK Festival of Robotics that this year takes place between the 18th -24th June. The RoboLab…

University of Lincoln AgriFoRwArdS CDT students from Cohorts 1 and 3, come together to take part in the British Science Week open day event, held…

Our next SoCS research seminar takes place on Thu 30/1/2020 at 13:00, in room INB2102. This is part of this year’s “Frontiers in Research” seminar series. Title: Game theory for self-driving cars Speaker: Fanta Camara, University of L…

You are invited to attend a research seminar by Cyrill Stachniss (University of Bonn, Germany), one of the world-leading experts in robotic perception, on “Robotic Perception for Agricultural Environments” as part of the School of Computer …