We are pleased to announce an exciting seminar by Robert Pinsler (Cambridge University). He will visit us on Wednesday, 11/4/2018 and give a talk at 2pm in INB3102. Robot Learning with an Unknown Reward Function While reinforcement learning has led to…

The Lincoln Institute for Agri-Food Technology are delighted to sponsor the Lincolnshire Farming Conference in 2018. On Tuesday 27th February 2018, the Lincolnshire Farming Conference returns to the iconic Lincolnshire Showground with the theme of ‘Farming in the Future’. Amongst the speakers at the event will be our Professor in Agri-Robotics, Professor Pal From, who will be

Everyone interested robotics, computer vision, and computer science in general is cordially invited to the School of Computer Science research seminar on Friday, 10/11/2017 at 2pm in room JUN0001 (The Junction). Modelling and Detecting Objects for Home…

We invite everybody to attend the robotics research seminar, organised by L-CAS, on Wednesday 24/5/2017: Dr Giorgio Grisetti, DIAG, University of Rome “Sapienza”: Making Robust SLAM Solvers for Autonomous Mobile Robots WHERE: AAD1W11, Lecture Theatre (Art, Architecture and Design Building), Brayford Pool Campus WHEN: Wednesday 24th May 2017, 3:00 – 4:00 pm ABSTRACT: In robotics, simultaneous … Continue reading Robotics Research Seminar 24/5/17: “Making Robust SLAM Solvers for Autonomous Mobile Robots” →

Robotics, automation and associated technologies As part of Arable Horizons hosted by Farmers Weekly, University of Lincoln Professors, Tom Duckett, School of Computer Science / lead for Lincoln Centre for Autonomous Systems and Simon Pearson, Founder of the Lincoln Institute for Agri-Food Technology (LIAT), will be speaking at the National Space Centre, Leicester, on 26th April 2017. Arable Horizons is a … Continue reading Prof Duckett to speak at Agri-Robotics event →