By Xumin Gao This summer we spent a week exploring how the Spot robot can assist with the task of automatic aphid counting. We did…
Director of LIAT coins new farming technology as ‘one of the key innovations to future of farming’. Professor Simon Pearson unveils the Thorvald robot at the University of Lincoln’s Riseholme Campus, alongside Computer Science and Agri-food academics who are working on the project. Prof Pearson starts off by introducing the new Thorvald robot, and is the second in the world. The
We recently demonstrated the robot we are using for our ENRICHME project in one of the LACE elderly housing schemes. The video presents a summary…
The National Centre for Food Manufacturing will host an event on November 10 2015 to highlight the research in agri-food technology at the University of Lincoln and within Lincolnshire’s Agri-food businesses. The day will be a mix of practical demonstrations and informal presentations and will explore the potential application and transformational capacity of new