Join us for the July talk in the 2021/22 AgriFoRwArdS Seminar Series at 4pm on Wednesday 27th July 2022, which is being organised in collaboration…

Join us for the May talk in the 2021/22 AgriFoRwArdS Seminar Series at 3pm on Friday 20th May 2022 on Zoom, using the link belo https://eng-cam.zoom.us/j/86219425749 …

Everyone interested robotics, computer vision, and computer science in general is cordially invited to the School of Computer Science research seminar on Friday, 10/11/2017 at 2pm in room JUN0001 (The Junction). Modelling and Detecting Objects for Home…

We invite everybody to attend the robotics research seminar, organised by L-CAS, on Wednesday 24/5/2017: Dr Giorgio Grisetti, DIAG, University of Rome “Sapienza”: Making Robust SLAM Solvers for Autonomous Mobile Robots WHERE: AAD1W11, Lecture Theatre (Art, Architecture and Design Building), Brayford Pool Campus WHEN: Wednesday 24th May 2017, 3:00 – 4:00 pm ABSTRACT: In robotics, simultaneous … Continue reading Robotics Research Seminar 24/5/17: “Making Robust SLAM Solvers for Autonomous Mobile Robots” →

We’ve got some great seminars coming up in the School of Computer Science, so put these dates in your diary and we’ll see you there. First up next week we have a seminar on ‘Visual mining – interpreting image and video‘ with speaker Professor Stefan Rüger from the Knowledge Media Institute, The Open University, UK. The … Continue reading Save the date: Upcoming must-see seminars →