Hardware integration and testing of an End-Over-End Walking Robot

Hardware integration and testing of an End-Over-End Walking Robot 

Supervisor: Dr Manu Nair 

What you will be doing 

The E-Walker CAD Rendering

The End-Over-End Walking Manipulator (E-Walker) is a seven-degrees-of-freedom walking robotic manipulator proposed for futuristic orbital and nuclear decommissioning activities. The E-Walker tends to revolutionise space and nuclear robotic capabilities with advanced dexterity and workspace utilisation compared to traditional fixed-to-base and mobile robotic manipulators. 

The L-CAS summer internship presents the selected candidate with the opportunity for the hardware integration and testing of the E-Walker. The candidate is expected to:  

  • Test and collect force interaction data from industrial grippers (vacuum, gecko, magnetic) mounted on an E-Walker end-effector; different surfaces are used for testing (Steel structures, glass, wood, coarse).  
  • Carry out initial CAN communication using multiple BLDC actuators. 
  • Assistance with 3D printing of E-Walker links and motor casings. 
  • Assistance with E-Walker electromechanical assembly. If time permits, carry out initial testing activities of the entire system for walking/climbing on different surfaces.  

What skills would be useful to have for this project 

We are looking for someone who wants to get more experience in (although we do not expect you to tick all these boxes):  

  • Rapid Prototyping 
  • Control 
  • Robotic Research Methods 
  • Robotic Manipulators and Arms 
  • Space and/or Nuclear Robotics 

Ideally you have experience (or are keen to learn): 

  • Rapid Prototyping and 3D Printing 
  • Control and CAN 
  • Robotic Systems Integration 
  • Soldering  
  • Electrical Prototyping 

How to get more information and apply 

Please email: mnair@lincoln.ac.uk