We got three new ICRA papers: Farraj, F. B.; Osa, T.; Pedemonte, N.; Peters, J.; Neumann, G.; Giordano, P.R.; (2017). A Learning-based Shared Control Architecture…
Gerhard Neumann and Jan Peters from the TU Darmstadt will be giving a Tutorial on Policy Search Methods for Robotics at the Autonomous Agents and…
We wish all our partner, friends, students, and colleagues some relaxing days and look forward to an exciting 2017, with more robots, more projects, and…
We (L-CAS and NCFM) are excited to be collaborating with brilliant researchers and industry partners in a new H2020 RIA project, starting in January 2017….
A Research Assistant / Research Fellow position is available to investigate how ultraviolet and polarised light processing in insects can be applied to robotics: a…