We (L-CAS and NCFM) are excited to be collaborating with brilliant researchers and industry partners in a new H2020 RIA project, starting in January 2017….

BBC One’s flagship Sunday evening programme, Countryfile, this week featured the pioneering work of the Lincoln Institute for Agri-food Technology (LIAT). As part of the show’s Lincolnshire programme, Director of LIAT Professor Simon Pearson, introduced the University’s Thorvald robot, which is designed to support a range of agri-tech experiments in the field. The image featured

Director of LIAT coins new farming technology as ‘one of the key innovations to future of farming’. Professor Simon Pearson unveils the Thorvald robot at the University of Lincoln’s Riseholme Campus, alongside Computer Science and Agri-food academics who are working on the project. Prof Pearson starts off by introducing the new Thorvald robot, and is the second in the world. The

SoCS Research Seminar Caregiver 4.0 – Experiences from Introducing a Robot into a Geriatric Long Term Care Environment Time: Monday, 11/7/16, 2pm Place: MC0020 Abstract In my talk, I would like to give an overview of our scientific work that we conduct within the STRANDS-project, where the School of Computer Science of the University … Continue reading Research Seminar 11/7/16: Experiences from Introducing a Robot into a Geriatric Long Term Care Environment →

Another opportunity to join our team as a research assistant: https://jobs.lincoln.ac.uk/vacancy.aspx?ref=COS285