The European Robotics Forum is over (okay, already for almost two weeks), but due to some requests I’m going to share my slides presented in the last session “Case studies and future needs of long-term navigation and reasoning“. This was mostly about work done in the FP7 STRANDS project by my colleagues Tomás Krajník and Jaime Pulido Fentanes (credit where credit is due!). So, here the slides of the presentation “Long-term Autonomy – Representations of Experience for Navigation“:

Marc Hanheide will be presenting his research at two invited workshop presentations at IROS 2016. Marc will be speaking in the”Workshop on Shared Autonomy”, presenting work on “Adaptive Long-Term Autonomy – Empowering end-users of Autonomous Systems” (…

SoCS Research Seminar Caregiver 4.0 – Experiences from Introducing a Robot into a Geriatric Long Term Care Environment Time: Monday, 11/7/16, 2pm Place: MC0020 Abstract In my talk, I would like to give an overview of our scientific work that we conduct within the STRANDS-project, where the School of Computer Science of the University … Continue reading Research Seminar 11/7/16: Experiences from Introducing a Robot into a Geriatric Long Term Care Environment →

Recent work by Christian Dondrup and Marc Hanheide on how to convert qualitative descriptions of a human and a robot moving in a confined shared…

A School of Computer Science STRANDS postdoc has been invited to give a presentation at a world-leading Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab in the USA. Dr Tomas Krajnik, in L-CAS will give a talk next week at MIT: Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory in Cambridge, USA on ‘FreMEn: Frequency Map Enhancement for Long-Term Autonomy of Mobile Robots’. … Continue reading Postdoc to give a talk at a world-leading AI lab in America →