Marc Hanheide’s Talks at IROS 2016
Marc Hanheide will be presenting his research at two invited workshop presentations at IROS 2016. Marc will be speaking in the
- "Workshop on Shared Autonomy", presenting work on "Adaptive Long-Term Autonomy - Empowering end-users of Autonomous Systems" (slides available here), mostly relating to the STRANDS project, and in the
- "Workshop on "Integrating Multiple Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Techniques in Robotics" (slides available here), focusing on facilitating autonomy in robotic system through the integration and combination of various representations.
Both talk are scheduled on Monday 10/10/2016.
Also at IROS, a number of L-CAS researcher are going to present our recent advances, as there as Dr Grzegorz Cielniak, Dr Tomas Krajnik, and Claudio Coppola.