Date: Monday 18th Jan, 2016, 3:00-4:00pm. Speaker: Dr Farshad Arvin, University of Manchester, UK Venue: MC0025 Title: LATRO: a Hydraulically Actuated Spider Robot Abstract: An ongoing challenge across any decommissioning site is access to unstructured areas. This is particularly acute on the Sellafield and Fukushima sites where there are a number of facilities with debris … Continue reading SoCS Research Seminar Series on Mondy 18/Jan 3-4pm@MC0025 →

Not a significant scientific advancement to announce today, but if you are on Facebook you might want to give us a like as well.

The L-CAS team wishes all its partners and friends some enjoyable holidays and all the best for 2016. We are looking forward to exciting research…

We recently demonstrated the robot we are using for our ENRICHME project in one of the LACE elderly housing schemes. The video presents a summary…

On 15/12/15, I have the pleasure to present at CITEC in Bielefeld, Germany in the context of the “It’s OWL” Fortschrittskolleg “Menschenzentrierte Arbeitswelten” (Human-centered working environments). Looking forward to it. If you are around,…