Another opportunity to join L-CAS and work on our ENRICHME project! Apply for this Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Artificial Intelligence on https://jobs.lincoln.ac.uk/vacancies.aspx?cat=310. Deadline 15 Nov 2015. Please contact…

Become our new Professor/Chair in Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning and collaborate with us! Not only is L-CAS looking for people to fill recently advertised academic positions on…

Mobile service robots developed by computer scientists at the University of Lincoln could soon be helping elderly people stay independent and active for longer. A new international project will test the ability of robots to support our ageing populations by assisting residents of care homes in three European countries. ENRICHME (ENabling Robot and assisted living […]

The National Centre for Food Manufacturing will host an event on November 10 2015 to highlight the research in agri-food technology at the University of Lincoln and within Lincolnshire’s Agri-food businesses. The day will be a mix of practical demonstrations and informal presentations and will explore the potential application and transformational capacity of new

The School of Computer Science has just advertise a number of permanent academic positions on the Lecturer / Senior Lecturer level. Internationally these levels roughly…