My colleagues of L-CAS are organising an IAS Workshop on Recent Advances in Agricultural Robotics in lovely Padova, Italy. If you are into growing and breeding, and want robots to help you, this is for you.

We are co-organising the International Workshop on Recent Advances in Agricultural Robotics, Padova, Italy, July 15-19, 2014. Please visit the workshop website for more details: http://agribotics.blogs.lincoln.ac.uk/.

An interesting networking event about water, agriculture and food is taking place in our neighbourhood: http://www.cvent.com/d/hyfcGyOGAkiUlvhC7sgS-A/kkm1/P1/1Q?.

A PhD position is available in the Lincoln Centre for Autonomous Systems Research (L-CAS, http://robots.lincoln.ac.uk ) at the University of Lincoln UK. This 3 ½…

I’m excited to be invited to present at the MORSE-HRI workshop, co-located with HRI 2014 in Bielefeld, right after the main conference on 7/3/14. I’ll be talking about “Long-Term Simulation of Dynamic, Interactive Worlds with Morse”, in the contex…