Two new papers on Human-Robot Spatial Interaction accepted

Two new papers on Human-Robot Spatial Interaction accepted

Time for a catching up on the latest publication news: We have two new papers accepted for the AAAI Spring Symposium on Qualitative Representations for Robots and a late-breaking report for HRI 2014. Both papers focus on different aspects of …

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PhD position in Long-Term Autonomy for Mobile Service Robots

PhD position in Long-Term Autonomy for Mobile Service Robots

L-CAS is offering another fully-funded PhD opportunity in the STRANDS project. 

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"Linda" participating in the EURobotics Week

“Linda” participating in the EURobotics Week

Researchers of L-CAS are studying how mobile robots can learn from long-term experience to provide service in security and care scenarios. As part of the European STRANDS project,…

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Research presentation on co-evolution of humans and machines by Paul Granjon

Research presentation on co-evolution of humans and machines by Paul Granjon

You are kindly invited to the following research seminar which will take place on Friday, 29 November, 2-4pm at MC0024, MHT building. Speaker: Paul Granjon, from…

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