2 days left to apply for PostDoc positions in prestigious EPSRC Hub
Following the announcement of the launch of the “National Centre for Nuclear Robotics“, a £11.3m EPSRC Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Hub, funded through the government’s Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund, we are offering a total of 4 exciting PostDoc opportunities within the Lincoln Centre for Autonomous Systems. There are only two days left to apply for these posts online. Anyone with a background in one or more of the following fields is invited to apply:
- Learning from Demonstrations
- Reinforcement Learning
- Deep Learning
- Robot Grasping and Manipulation
- Motion Planning and Control
- Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality
- Human-robot collaboration;
- Robot mapping and localisation (SLAM) as well as navigation;
- Software engineering in robotics; and
- Integration and orchestration of robotic systems.