- Agriculture
- Eastern England Blackgrass Dataset
- LAST-Straw: Lincoln’s Annotated Spatio-Temporal Strawberry Dataset
- Strawberry picking point localisation ripeness and weight estimation
- BACCHUS Long-Term Dataset – Agricultural multi-month dataset with overlapping paths for mapping and localisation algorithms for autonomous robots
- Long-Term Strawberry Growing Dataset – Images and robot data (GPS, odometry, LiDAR, image streams) collected twice a week over 3 growing seasons
- Outdoor Action/Intention Recognition Dataset, from the RASberry project
- Soil aggregate size distribution dataset, for estimating soil structure
- RGBD datasets of broccoli in the field collected in UK and Spain.
- RGBD crops versus weeds discrimination dataset, collected in the fields of Lincolnshire
- Medicine
- Tactile Manipulation
- Indoors
- L-CAS Office Dataset – visual object detection and recognition, part of the ActiVis project
- 3D Social Activity Datasets – Datasets for the Recognition of the Human Social Activities using RGB-D and skeleton data.
- L-CAS 3D Point Cloud Dataset for People Detection, from H2020 project FLOBOT
- L-CAS Multisensor People Dataset, from H2020 project FLOBOT
- L-CAS RGB-D-T Re-identification Dataset, from H2020 project ENRICHME
- L-CAS Thermal Physiological Monitoring Dataset, from H2020 project ENRICHME
- L-CAS domotic sensors Dataset, from H2020 project ENRICHME
- L-CAS Datasets for Long-Term Autonomy of Mobile Robots, from FP7 project STRANDS
- UoL Corridor long-term pedestrian dataset, from H2020 project ILIAD
- UoL Office long-term pedestrian dataset, from H2020 project ILIAD
Most of our software is open source and free to use for non-commercial purposes. [wp_github_button type=’.follow’ account=’LCAS’ show_count=0 data_text=’Follow us on GitHub’]
Members of L-CAS are active contributors to a number of software projects, for instance:
- FreMEn: Frequency-based Map Enhancing
- Contribution to QSR library, mostly around Qualitative Trajectory Calculus
- many contributions to the open source STRANDS repository
- iceWing: A C++ image processing framework tightly integrated with openCV
- altURI: contribution to USARSim
- CAST: The CoSy Architecture Schema Toolkit (CAST) is a system integration framework designed to allow researchers (primarily in the fields of AI and robotics) to develop distributed intelligent, autonomous systems
- MuPPeTS (Multimodal People Perception and Tracking Software): several C++ libraries for multisensor human detection, recognition and tracking. See also our ROS person tracking packages build on top of MuPPETS
- RoboLib: C# software wrappers and practical tutorials for different robots including Rovio, Roomba and NXT.
- EVK1104: Tutorials on code development for Atmel EVK1104 evaluation boards.
- STeF-map: ROS implementation of STeF-map. This is a spatio-temporal flow representation that models the likelihood of people motion direction on a grid-based map by a set of harmonic functions, which efficiently capture long-term variations of crowd movements over time.