The School of Computer Science has just advertise a number of permanent academic positions on the Lecturer / Senior Lecturer level. Internationally these levels roughly…
Seeking to support and enhance productivity in the agri-food sectors, the University of Lincoln has today announced the creation of the Lincoln Institute for Agri-food Technology. The Institute will capitalise on the University’s growing research and educational activity in the agri-tech and food sectors, including food manufacturing, agri-robotics, agronomy and animal science. Professor Mary Stuart,
Members of L-CAS, in collaboration with the STRANDS consortium, are organising a summer school on “Long-term Autonomy for Mobile Robots” (LAMoR) at the University of…
Dr Astrid Weiss from Technical University Vienna, will be presenting in the SoCS research seminar. Her work is at the crossroads of robotics, computer science,…
The University of Lincoln is seeking to appoint a Research Assistant / Visiting Researcher in 3D Vision Assisted Robotic Harvesting of Broccoli (fixed term for 12 months) to join the Centre for Autonomous Systems (L-CAS). Details are available on the University’s job opportunities website.